Fallout 3 is the second-greatest PC game of all time

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
And by of all time we basically mean of the past 10 years. And wow, the PC gaming industry is doing great! About 50% of the top-20 has been made in the past 4 years! Amazing proof of incline! PC Gamer held an epic survey.<blockquote>2. Fallout 3
Release: 2008
Last year: New entry
Finding every little precious gaming moment. If you didn't overturn every rock, you didn't know what you might be missing.
Robert Chennault

Must eat congressman's brain.
Ossie Spears

Fallout 3 provided an experience that is so unique to the video game medium: I created my own experiences and stories.
Michael Kenyon

It's like the Mad Max movies, without the vehicles.
Matt Beggs

All the different ways you could go about each quest, all the ways you could build your character, and all the great mods for the game. Everything in this wonderful game just made me want more.
Walker Summers</blockquote>
COD MW 2 in the 6 place :shock: .....you have to be fucking kidding me, and they put the first one too (11), this list and the people that make it know nothing about PC game

and half life is a good game but not the best game on the PC
That is just so sad...

HL2 might be the best FPS ever, but surely not the best game, that title goes to Civilization! ;)
I don't think you should even post what some snotty "critics" say at all. To me, they're the least respected profession, along with astrologers. Be it a film critic or game critic or fuckin' wine critic. They're making money by saying all kinds of bullshit personal opinions they have and we are left to just say: "gee, I must be a fuckin moron when it comes to understanding what things are great, they're tha fuckin' professionals after all".

Fuck all of them bitches.
Deus Ex, Half-Life and maybe Half-Life 2 are the only games that actually belong in the top 10 PC games of all time there.
The media is not your friend. They are certainly not free, nor impartial. It's a good lesson to learn.

It is true, however, that the zombies do eat this stuff up. Maybe it's the hypnosis or maybe it triggers some primal human/brain chemistry thing for them. The one thing it definitely doesn't do is exercise the the sentient part.
Jeeesh what are you guys complaining about? PC Gamer held an epic survey*, which proves conclusively: a) Half-Life 2 is the greatest PC game of all time b) Fallout 3 is the second-greatest PC game and greatest RPG of all time c) half of the top twenty greatest PC games of all time were published in the last 4 years d) despite the "floppy disc, silicon, or digital download", none of the top 20 are floppy disc games, because older games just aren't as good, simple fact.

You can stomp your feet all you want but the above statements have now been undeniably proven.

* Also nice job reading, guys, this is a survey-based list. It friggin' says so in the newspost.
One can surely argue in one way or the other about alot of those games but how can Civilization not on such a list ? O.o
Brother None said:
* Also nice job reading, guys, this is a survey-based list. It friggin' says so in the newspost.
Yeah... pretty sure that most people just browsed the list.

Khan FurSainty said:
The new gamers are shit, full of themselves.
Why do you say that? I just don't think they've bothered to play many, if any, older games, which is hardly surprising.

EVE Online at 3 surprised the hell out of me, guess that PC Gamer has a lot of EVE players who like to vote in these things. 13 of the games are first person perspective by the way, 7 are pure shooters (which is generous to no include the hybrids, which ups the number to 11). There are 3 more traditional CRPGs, 7 RPGs/RPG hybrids. Starcraft is the only RTS. There are 3 MMOs, one of which I've never hear of (Wurm Online). All but 2 of the games are from 2000 later, with the two exceptions being from 1998, 11 of the games were released in the past 5 years.

All in all, a pretty meaningless survey for anything other than studying PC Gamer's readership's tastes.
In the midst of all the "ahah, I know better than you" that was going on in my head as I glanced over the list, and yeah, amidst all the LOL, I have to agree that KotOR, StarCraft, Half Life and Deus Ex are fine games, and may even be worthy of a top 20 place. All the others are just testimony of how moronic PC Gamer and their readers are. Of the top of my head, I can find a common widespread moronic thing that is said by fans of each of the other games:

HL2: it's immersive.
Fallout 3: it's innovative. Also, it's good.
Eve Online: it's fun.
Team Fortress 2: it's deep.
MW2: it's realistic.
Oblivion: it's open ended.
Dragon Age: it's dark.
World of Warcraft: it's addictive.
COD4: it's realistic. Oh, I said that for MW2. Ok, it has a good plot.
Mass Effect: it's emotional.
Portal: it's a game.
BioShock: it has choices.
Baldur's Gate 2: it's a good RPG.
L4D2: it's fun. Oh, I did that already. It's worth the money.
Wurm and Wolfestein, ok, I don't know those and I don't even care.

And while I still have that bit left of "I know better", I think they should have included Darklands, Torment, Far Cry, Bloodlines, Fallout, masters of orion 2, Mafia and Max Payne. Deliberately left outside: Arcanum (awesome RPG though), Diablo 2, Fallout 2, Icewind Dale 2 and ToEE, but I consider them good games too.
"I created my own experiences and stories. "

...so did I... They were better than the one's that came with the game.
Oh, come on. Not a single GTA game in the top 20? Where's Duke Nukem, Monkey Island or Grim Fandango? This list sucks.
Face it, Darklands is never going to make one of these lists because very few people have heard of it outside of the CRPG community and those that have would probably not play it long enough to figure it out and like it. It's probably the most sandbox RPG ever made. I'd say that every developer making a sandbox game should check it out and I'd love to see a new game like it but it had it's share of problems and needs a decent instruction manual.

EDIT: It's PC Gamer relentless, GTA isn't as big on the PC as it is on consoles.
I think Darklands isn't even that well-known in the cRPG community. Especially not the cRPG community that votes for these kind of surveys, who do not know RPGs other than Bioware/Bethesda/random jRPGs.

Also, GTA I/II are most definitely PC games and should be in such best of all times lists, regardless of where the franchise went.