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  1. J

    Troika Memorabilia

    I'm actually tempted by a VTM:B T-shirt. You can ussually get them on eBay from america.
  2. J

    Call of Juarez : WTF ??

    Thanks, this one sparked my curiousity quite a while ago, being one of the only western themed games availible. I enjoyed Gun, even with it's many flaws, so i hope this is half decent.
  3. J

    Call of Juarez : WTF ??

    Mind linking me to the demo? All google is turning up is trailers.
  4. J

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    6 Hows this?
  5. J

    "RPG Motivational Posters"

    Suppose your right. I mainly just saw aggro and such, when i scanned over them.
  6. J

    dead man alive

    Really nice picture, Phomax. It seems your artistic variety is incredibly broad.
  7. J

    "RPG Motivational Posters"

    Arn't really for RPGs, are they? God i hope the world of MMOs burn. Anyone who laughs at a joke about aggro, or DPS should have their balls cut off.
  8. J

    So I'm hooked on WoW

    Another of my horror story friends. And about Firthy, he rarely does nights out or the like anymore. All he ever talks about is WoW, even to the point of insulting people over their characters, "nooby warrior" being a particularly grinding term.
  9. J


    Well, since we are dealing with the oblivion engine, we can't rule out nuclear horses.
  10. J

    So I'm hooked on WoW

    It's bad. It's the sims, therefore its bad. Save your money for something like spore.
  11. J

    So I'm hooked on WoW

    Pretty much, yeah. Its funny, he used to be all outgoing in the social sence, now "ahn qiraj" or whatever comes first.
  12. J

    So I'm hooked on WoW

    Nah, my mate actually. The highest i have seen him do was 107 hours per week.