"RPG Motivational Posters"

Arn't really for RPGs, are they? God i hope the world of MMOs burn. Anyone who laughs at a joke about aggro, or DPS should have their balls cut off.
it has PnP RPG (ex: CoC), MMORPG (ex: WoW) & tabletop RPG (ex: Warhammer) jokes. how are they "not for RPGs"?

and Josh, get your freaking hands off my balls, mkay?
Are they supposed to be funny? Is there a background joke I'm not getting?

The one with Tintin art was best, because it had Tintin art and you could ignore the words.
Some of them are pretty bad but I thought this one was at least a bit funny.

Link doesn't work so a description:

Not all people use Charisma as the dump stat.

Photo: George Dubya Bush

I'm saving this one for the next "giv us kattanas n folluot!!!1!lolololol" post,
Signeon said:
Some of them aren't all that great, but there are some gems in there.
Actually, I'd would say that some of them are awful, most of them are mediocre at best, quite a few of them have nothing at all to do with any type of RPG (Boba Fett? Boo Berry? Flying Battleships? Digg?), some of them are incomprehensible ("Just because you can spec pew pew, doesn't mean you can dps"?), and a scant few might actually be funny. If not worth the time it takes to find them.

By the way, am I the only one having trouble with direct links?
Nope, they don't open for me either. People should really check the links they post. Maybe it's Firefox.
I got a 404 once with Simple's link, but not since for maybe half a dozen clicks.
Strange. I have no problems with viewing this on my supreme high tekk porno humongous teh master vs. teh vault dweller star trek AD&D monster masheen... also known as my computer.
No, the point is that you can't link directly to a poster, because the server then refuses to show you the image.
Sander said:
No, the point is that you can't link directly to a poster, because the server then refuses to show you the image.
just surf to the main page, then paste the link. simple, but annoying. (just fooling the referal link)