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  1. S

    Ehm, where are the cities?

    Paradise Falls in north, slightly east of the river. There is Arefyu, which is NW of megaton. The ant-robot town is just NW of the ruins of DC. Can't think of anymore at this moment.
  2. S

    Voting against terrorism

    Ha, at least you have faith left. Our nation is so brainwashed it's hard for me to think about it without becoming depressed. So many people gorge themselves on biased data and lies. People in this country have been taught all their lives to listen to others without going out on thier own and...
  3. S

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #11

    It's cool and all you like the game, cause in some respects it is likeable. But if Fallout 1 & 2's dialogue is an 8/10 then FO:3 dialuoge is a sad 2/10. Yes, IMO, its a huge downgrade. And as an old school roleplayer, I know dialogue is paramount to making a good roleplaying game.
  4. S

    Voting against terrorism

    Bombs being detonated in India and Sudan last week, yet our government won't go after those revolutionary radicals because, "Well, they didn't target Americans, and they didn't target Christians, so I guess it's not our problem." Yeah, that makes sense. :roll: My government is so ridiculously...
  5. S

    Immortal dad walks through raider, super mutant squads *S*

    Your right, it is waaay easier to make them unable to die. Doesn't mean it should be considered acceptable.
  6. S

    Full Apology: Total Reversal On Earlier Praise

    That's the only reason I still have the game installed on my PC; MODS. If they mod community is as active as the Oblivion community, we might actually be looking at a semi-decent Fallout sequel. *shudders at the phrase Fallout Sequel*
  7. S

    Immortal dad walks through raider, super mutant squads *S*

    What would be better, I think, is that if he died, he would have the info you needed on him corpse. They are plenty of ways to not break the quest without making character invincible.
  8. S

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    6/10 If i was a cartoon charicatured fox, I would be turned on right now. ;)
  9. S


    I found a pretty good horror comedy zombie flick the other day. It's called Dance of the Dead. It's based around teenagers, but who doesn't love seeing a highschool of kids turn into flesh eating pleziozoids?
  10. S

    Voting against terrorism

    My country is so over-paranoid about terrorism it is sickening. Nothing has happened to us since 9/11, yet they feel they must go out into the world, and squander whats left of our interenational reputation to step on some Jihadists in a mud filled trench.
  11. S

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #11

    Too bad you never know you strike it until your already under water.
  12. S

    *sigh* NPC level scaling

    Hey, don't worry about that. By the end of the game, I was able to sneak critical Enclave soldiers with one shot. FROM A HUNTING RIFLE. That is correct, a measly rifle becomes a tool of utter destruction with the right perks. I hate the fact that one gets all the weapons one needs early in the...
  13. S

    Just got done finishing Fallout 2. My take.

    I would have to agree with you here, Black. Someone who thinks movies are more immersive that books, obviously lacks the knowledge to feel immersed. I have never watched a movie that drew me in as much as my favorite authors could. Go read the Song of Ice and Fire series, by George RR Martin...
  14. S

    Full Apology: Total Reversal On Earlier Praise

    It hurts me so to see another person who thought the game would be good, fall into our correct way of thinking. I imagine this happens to most of the Fallout vets at some time or another. I dived into this game with the opinion you know hold, so I did not squeam as much when I discovered the...
  15. S

    Immortal dad walks through raider, super mutant squads *S*

    What choices and consequence system? I have yet to see it. Oh wait, I get it, the whole consequence of Megaton. Very Che'. I am too tired right now to rant on about the horridness of immortal character. How my "father" can survive having a live grenade snuck into his lingerie is beyond my...
  16. S

    9 Hours, 58 Minutes.

    Roughly 85%. Once you get to the citidel, theres not much more story left. So I suggest you explore your world fully, cause if you don't, the games going to end quicker than you think.
  17. S

    Gamasutra kills children

    End the game? Whosa jigga wha? Yeah, lets not punish the character. No need to spread around rumors of his/her misdeeds. No need to have all children flee for him/her. Why have in game NPC's acknowledge his/her horridness in decision making? When you shoot a kid, a cruise missle immediately...
  18. S

    The MIRV - spoiler

    The MIRV is quite dumb. Only use I found for it in the game other than messing around was for fighting the Enclave army at the end. That, to me, was quite satisfying to hear ten simultaneous screams of agony as I unloaded the only mini nukes I had into their midst.
  19. S

    Calling Nad02s (or anyone familiar with compassicon.xml)

    I'm sure it can be done, but wouldn't that invalidate the whole point of perception in this game?
  20. S

    Witcher Sells One Mil Copies, Still To Break Even

    Does that 11 million include actual industry production costs? Not in making the game per say, but in constructing the cd's manuals and jewel case?