Voting against terrorism


Antediluvian as Feck



I will not be voting for Penguin-Catwoman.
Disgusting. really. I never claim to be unbiased, but these kinds of tactics only push me farther away.

I really enjoyed the third video, though. :clap:
My country is so over-paranoid about terrorism it is sickening. Nothing has happened to us since 9/11, yet they feel they must go out into the world, and squander whats left of our interenational reputation to step on some Jihadists in a mud filled trench.
ShatteredJon said:
My country is so over-paranoid about terrorism it is sickening. Nothing has happened to us since 9/11, yet they feel they must go out into the world, and squander whats left of our interenational reputation to step on some Jihadists in a mud filled trench.

Tell me about it.

They act like 9/11 was such a horrible event, the reason they hit the WTC was because it was the center of capitalism, not because it was "american" or a "symbol of our freedom", but they of course have to say that to get all the moronic mega-patriots around here.

Argh, I mean, it's been a while since it happened, yet everyone makes such a big deal out of it like it just happened last week, I mean, yeah it was a sad event and alot of people died, but worse things have and are still happening.
Bombs being detonated in India and Sudan last week, yet our government won't go after those revolutionary radicals because, "Well, they didn't target Americans, and they didn't target Christians, so I guess it's not our problem." Yeah, that makes sense. :roll:

My government is so ridiculously biased it is insane. Unless an American dies (even more so a Christian American) we won't lift a finger to provide security or relief to the victims. Maybe it's about time to say FUCK FORIEGN POLITICS and fix the things in our nation that even allow this kind of thinking to go on. Domesticly we are falling apart. Why would Jihadists want to do anything to our country now? The fatcats in control are now doing way more damage then a few bombs ever could.
ShatteredJon said:
Bombs being detonated in India and Sudan last week, yet our government won't go after those revolutionary radicals because, "Well, they didn't target Americans, and they didn't target Christians, so I guess it's not our problem." Yeah, that makes sense. :roll:

My government is so ridiculously biased it is insane. Unless an American dies (even more so a Christian American) we won't lift a finger to provide security or relief to the victims. Maybe it's about time to say FUCK FORIEGN POLITICS and fix the things in our nation that even allow this kind of thinking to go on. Domesticly we are falling apart. Why would Jihadists want to do anything to our country now? The fatcats in control are now doing way more damage then a few bombs ever could.

Oh man, there I really know what you mean, I've even heard one religious nutbar saying the reason people were killed by weather here in the US was because we turned our back on Israel or because we let palestinians take Israeli land, how moronic.

I swear, every day I lose a bit more faith in the people of the US.
Ha, at least you have faith left. Our nation is so brainwashed it's hard for me to think about it without becoming depressed. So many people gorge themselves on biased data and lies. People in this country have been taught all their lives to listen to others without going out on thier own and discovering thier own truths. This is why I am such a radical thinker. Finding my own truths in existance far outweigh the merits I give to other peoples opinions. I was taught all my life that there was a god, drugs were bad, the only way to succeed was to adhere. Well, as I grew up I realized that the religious were wrong, drugs were amazing and able to help you reach new levels of understanding, and that success is a false word used to spur people into conforming. I would leave this country in a heartbeat if my wife would agree. Alas, I can't. I have a business, and too much stock in this nation to move to Europe, the last bastion of free thought left in the world.

ShatteredJon said:
Ha, at least you have faith left. Our nation is so brainwashed it's hard for me to think about it without becoming depressed. So many people gorge themselves on biased data and lies. People in this country have been taught all their lives to listen to others without going out on thier own and discovering thier own truths. This is why I am such a radical thinker. Finding my own truths in existance far outweigh the merits I give to other peoples opinions. I was taught all my life that there was a god, drugs were bad, the only way to succeed was to adhere. Well, as I grew up I realized that the religious were wrong, drugs were amazing and able to help you reach new levels of understanding, and that success is a false word used to spur people into conforming. I would leave this country in a heartbeat if my wife would agree. Alas, I can't. I have a business, and too much stock in this nation to move to Europe, the last bastion of free thought left in the world.



I mean this, I think that ultra-religious morons are one of the main contributors to making the US such a horrible place to live as of late.

I'm not talking about all religious people, if you just keep your beliefs to yourself and live and let live, then I have no problem with you, but when someone goes around shoving books down your throat, screaming at people at soldiers funerals, and spitting on people at weddings, that's when we have a serious problem that should be corrected immediately.

They try to outlaw gay marriage because it's "immoral" or it shows signs of "moral decay", so it's fine for two people that hate each other that only want money to marry, but it's so wrong for two men that love each other to get married.

They force their beliefs on EVERYONE, then when someone tells them off it's on the news about how they were "victimised" or "persecuted for their beliefs".

They have to think everything revolves around them and they're the only possible human beings on the planet that can be right, like some spoiled child or something.

They yell and scream about science and such "messing with gods plans" and trying to get some labs and doctors put out of buisiness.

They invade everyone elses privacy trying to outlaw abortion and some other medical practices, why should they give a rats ass, it's not their lives to fuck with, and they usually just end up making someones life miserable for no reason.

They complain about prayer being taken out of schools when it says there is supposed to be "a separation of church and state" very clearly.

I mean, just look at it, religious zealots are given waaaay too much power and everyone ends up suffering because of it.

I agree with you in the entirety my friend. It's just that the Christian right thinks they are going to an afterlife, so they become mega complacent with their ACTUAL lives. Complacency breeds the way of thinking that makes other people inferior to them. They believe that life is nothing but a preparation for a double millenia gone tradition. Protesting things as trivial as gay marriage and abortion just shows how little respect they all have for individual thought. All groups rebel against the idea of someone enjoying life outside that groups scope of influence. When I was younger, and announced my disbelief in their god, I was litterally treated like shit for rest of my time in my home town. (2200 people in southern illinois) I was not worthy of their attentions unless it was spit at my feet. Righteousness is such a dead concept, but these people feel its their privilege, no their DUTY to try and make life hell for people who do not think like them. I was once kicked out of a church because that said church brought in a Bishop to try and convert me back. I asked him one question, "Can you prove god outside your own head?" That infuriated him to the point of him forgetting his little happy zealot mask and he started cursing at me. There is more to life than what a book millenias old has to say, but these people would rather live in ignorance than define reality on their own terms. Of course science is their arch-enemy. Look at how they've tried to adapt to it. Intelligent creationism. Ha. No one in this world, not me, not you, not any denomination, has the right to dictate how life should be lived.
Thank you, someone gets it.

I have the same problem in my town, people think they're some kind of superior being because they blindly follow everything written in an old book from so long ago.

The thing I don't get is, why do they feel the need to make everyone elses lives hell?

I mean, so what, someone else wants to live life different than you, so what do you do, you try and force them into your lifestyle, I for one think that's just fucked up to no end.

I don't try and make anyone live the same as me, I just say live and let live, do what makes you happy, don't waste your life trying to make other people miserable, live life to its fullest.

What makes them think that you can't be happy without their god, I can tell you, I'm happy, I'm not christian, I'm not catholic, I'm not anything like that, but I'm a very cheery person.

One more thing, one thing I notice alot, is that so many people will say their religion is based on love and such, but I've asked many a christian why they're christian, you know what they said, "because I don't want to go to hell", I'm sorry but that sounds more like fear than love to me, if you're only following a religion because you think you're going to suffer forever if you don't, well I'm sorry but that's fear.

Augh, I don't feel like typing anymore right now, but I'm pretty sure I've gotten my little opinion through, we should talk some more sometime Jon.
My mother believe in a christian god. I asked her why, and she tells me, I don't know. I ask her to explain, and she tells me thats all she knows. I feel sad for her, because she was never motivated to find her own truths in life.

That is the answer I get from most deific worshipers, christian or otherwise. They do not know anything else. They were never given the option to choose, instead just indoctrinated in the beliefs of their elders. Now let it be known, I have nothing against individual faith. If one chooses to believe in a diety than thats the way it should be. It's organized deific belief I oppose. Setting standards and forcing people to adhere to them. I know lots of incredibly intelligent deific worshipers who denounce the tenets of their specific faith because they see the error in forcing people to refine their beliefs based on others opinions. If religion makes one happy, then by all means join the masses. But when one of those persons denounces me and my friends for not seeing the world as they do, this is where I take a stand. While alot of belief is based on the love of the deity, you are right that an equal ammount is based on the fear of that faith's hell being true. It's sad to hear children spout this rhetoric. I do not know why it is commonplace for edge of the line Right Christians to try and try and try to make their realities into an image that everyone must follow. Like I said above, I blame complacency. It's just like protestors. I quote a line from my favorite show South Park,"Protestors have no lives if they can spend hours of their lives protesting something that doesn't effect it." That is not verbatim, but its basicly what they say. I apply this idea to hard right religious folks as well. If gay marriage is really so horrible, why not choose to ignore it? Why choose to make life hard for those who advocate it? Some things in life I will never understand.

Rampaging Russian, I find absolute bliss in discussing religion, politics, and the breadth of the human condition with other intellectuals. I look foward to conversing with you in the future.
Maphusio said:
In regards to Ozrat's videos... Family Guy did a hilarious yet true take on how well that crap works.



EDIT: More humor for you folks

Ha, I forgot about that, hmmmmm, I'd bet that'd actually work with some of the mental rejects abound in this place. lol
The Raging Russian said:
Maphusio said:
In regards to Ozrat's videos... Family Guy did a hilarious yet true take on how well that crap works.



EDIT: More humor for you folks

Ha, I forgot about that, hmmmmm, I'd bet that'd actually work with some of the mental rejects abound in this place. lol

That it would; however, it stands to reason that you would have to be a maverick in order for that to work. :P