ShatteredJon said:
Ha, at least you have faith left. Our nation is so brainwashed it's hard for me to think about it without becoming depressed. So many people gorge themselves on biased data and lies. People in this country have been taught all their lives to listen to others without going out on thier own and discovering thier own truths. This is why I am such a radical thinker. Finding my own truths in existance far outweigh the merits I give to other peoples opinions. I was taught all my life that there was a god, drugs were bad, the only way to succeed was to adhere. Well, as I grew up I realized that the religious were wrong, drugs were amazing and able to help you reach new levels of understanding, and that success is a false word used to spur people into conforming. I would leave this country in a heartbeat if my wife would agree. Alas, I can't. I have a business, and too much stock in this nation to move to Europe, the last bastion of free thought left in the world.
I mean this, I think that ultra-religious morons are one of the main contributors to making the US such a horrible place to live as of late.
I'm not talking about all religious people, if you just keep your beliefs to yourself and live and let live, then I have no problem with you, but when someone goes around shoving books down your throat, screaming at people at soldiers funerals, and spitting on people at weddings, that's when we have a serious problem that should be corrected immediately.
They try to outlaw gay marriage because it's "immoral" or it shows signs of "moral decay", so it's fine for two people that hate each other that only want money to marry, but it's so wrong for two men that love each other to get married.
They force their beliefs on EVERYONE, then when someone tells them off it's on the news about how they were "victimised" or "persecuted for their beliefs".
They have to think everything revolves around them and they're the only possible human beings on the planet that can be right, like some spoiled child or something.
They yell and scream about science and such "messing with gods plans" and trying to get some labs and doctors put out of buisiness.
They invade everyone elses privacy trying to outlaw abortion and some other medical practices, why should they give a rats ass, it's not their lives to fuck with, and they usually just end up making someones life miserable for no reason.
They complain about prayer being taken out of schools when it says there is supposed to be "a separation of church and state" very clearly.
I mean, just look at it, religious zealots are given waaaay too much power and everyone ends up suffering because of it.