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    Fan-made Fallout movie short

    That explosion isn't nearly big enough to be Fallouty NEED MOAR ASPLOSION!!!11!
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    Yellowstone, a giant... Awakes?

    Is there any way humans can make this thing erupt? Like say, with a direct nuclear strike?
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    1UP interview with Emil

    Ah, but wait! This time round they'll do it right: ... we wish! Oooh, I dunno... maxbe because they were blown to bits at the end of Fallout 2? This doesn't just show unoriginal thought to me but lack of logical thought as well.
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    V.A.T.S. - why so slooooooowwwwwww...?

    Have you tried turning off anti aliasing? That solved my VATS speed issue and stopped my C2D's (had about 8 in the first 3 hours)
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    [Release] Talk Thing with Cruk: Mutant Radio

    This is pretty good stuff. One question though, why does he first refer to it as a 'magic box of voices' but after that he keeps calling it a radio?
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    If you like mindgame/gambling (think Akagi) anime I'd recommend One Outs. Yes, yes I know it's a sports anime, but it's not as ridiculous as Prince of Tennis.
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    F3C - Fixing the Main Quest, a Discussion

    Would it be possible to make Liberty Prime a killable NPC and make you face him? Also I would love to see Burke send you on a couple of seemingly random fetch quests (which are all parts needed to make the pulse charge). Then you can either assemble it yourself (science/explosive skill check)...
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    A Dirty Little Secret

    Is the achievement list on The Vault complete? Because all of those are sort of meh. Most you would get on a normal playthrough anyway. The only interesting ones are "Weaponsmith" and "The Bigger They Are..."
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    Some odd "holes" in Fallout 3

    Speaking of doors, those damn cave doors irritated the hell out of me. The Fire Ant lair is protected by a wooden door? The Yao Guai tunnels need a chain link gate (which turns out to be a another wooden door on the inside)? And it has a hole in the roof somewhere near the start which you...
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    NMA Caption Contest.

    Mailed mine earlier only got round to uploading them now. Looks like those apostrophe s rules don't want to play along at 2 in the morning :/
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    Fallout 3 hits Steam

    Just love the Child at Heart perk picture. Pedo here we come! You only get new perks to choose from every 2 levels? EDIT: What's this? Cannibal has negative effects?!
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    GamesRadar - The Infinite Potential of Fallout 3

    Killable children also makes you think twice about where you are pointing your gun, adding that extra element of tactics to combat which Bethsoft is trying so hard to avoid.
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    Fallout 3 magazine tidbits

    Yes, so technically he DID answer the question, but that doesn't make it a USEFUL answer. Now I know where to look for their cool physics, except, I can't since I can't play the game, I can't get into a VATS scene to see their physics in action. I was hoping for something more along the...
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    Fallout 3 magazine tidbits

    How can you be sure? Have you read the interview in the magazine? Why can't we pick at him for giving a totally useless answer? Granted (like I said previously) this is most likely taken out of context, but the way they give it makes him sound really stupid. So now we know where to look for...
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    1up, TeamXbox, IGN (twice) preview Fallout 3

    This is pretty cool but.. Can someone explain to me how this is possible? Unless you shot the bit where the wire was anchored, but I get the feeling that isn't what he did. And they still don't explain how lockpicking works on the PC, since from experience emulating a analog controller...
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    Fallout 3 magazine tidbits

    I first thought that was somehow quoted out of context, but that's what they have on the actual site.. I don't suppose anyone can tell us if the answer in the magazine is better than this?
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    Fallout 3: Skills and Perks

    Why was bloody mess a trait anyway? It didn't have any disadvantages IIRC
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    Anandtech forum user purportedly has Fallout 3, answers Qs

    But how would you then verify that he isn't just talking crap. If it were me I would've trolled better, make up fake plots, armour stats etc. etc. They accused him of illegally disclosing information, even though he said nothing that couldn't be found in some Beth PR release?