Fan-made Fallout movie short

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Native forum dweller equilerex has been working on a fan-made short Fallout movie, a little teaser/trailer for the fan-made mod Mutants Rising (though the relation isn't immediately apparent). And here it is, the voice is a bit indecipherable but otherwise it's pretty cool:

<center> <embed src=";;show_title=1&amp;show_byline=1&amp;show_portrait=0&amp;color=&amp;fullscreen=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="640" height="360"></embed> </center>
Follow the journey of the short's creation on the forum thread on NMA or the work-progress webpage.
heh, i was wondering how it got so many hits on veoh :ugly:
thanks brother none!

yeah, the voiceover is terrible but it was late and i just wanted to be done with it (also too much distortion trying to make it better :lol: ) perhaps il still be able to fix it at some point.

thanks for watching!
I like the visual style of it. The music is great, but I already know the track from the user Public here. ;)

Only thing which I don't like are the soundeffects in the video. :/
yeah, its public's. Were using that track on MR.
Most of the sound is original (the clunky stuff)... exept the explosion n powerup sound but yeah, this was the part i worked on the least :lol:

thanks for the feedback ;)
Good stuff:

The scene where the guy gets hit is perfect

The fact there is grass and you didn't resort to sepia toning the entire video via a filter.

the VW bug looks great

the cosplayer looks great

the gun looks awesome.

The stuff that could have been better:

The explosion/fire

The stuff in the trunk kind of just looks like an old stereo system o_O

a little bit of sound mastering to make the sound levels equal through the whole video, and remove some of the scratchiness of some sounds and dialogue.

a better voice over ;)

the system powering up looks kind of cheesy.

Overall the tone and feel of the video is great, with sort of a college student film feel to it. Props on the whole project. I've submitted this video to so you might get some press.
hehe, thanks and agreed on all points!

sound leveling is a great idea tho! hadnt thought of it :)
explosion... what can i say, first time ever :ugly: il get it better the next time!
and that aint a bug... solviet steel! (you notice all that rust?!) its a GAZ-M-20 / Bobeda from 1946-58 :crazy:

as for the quadro, the damn thing flipped its toes some time ago so it deserves some beating! :lol:
Damn, my sound card is broken. Can I get a download link or something, please?
equilerex said:
hehe, thanks and agreed on all points!

sound leveling is a great idea tho! hadnt thought of it :)
explosion... what can i say, first time ever :ugly: il get it better the next time!
and that aint a bug... solviet steel! (you notice all that rust?!) its a GAZ-M-20 / Bobeda from 1946-58 :crazy:

as for the quadro, the damn thing flipped its toes some time ago so it deserves some beating! :lol:

Ah, I didn't know that ab out the card, I'm not exactly well informed in cars.

"Hey Eternal, check out that sweet Corvette!"

"Huh? I guess its ok."

"No. thats lamppost, the corvette is over here."
equilerex said:
explosion... what can i say, first time ever :ugly: il get it better the next time!

Equilerex - 20 litres of petrol will do the trick…just make sure you have a good hiding spot when the police go looking for the little pyromaniac who torched the old car…:wink:

lolz, the sad thing is that i could actually do it without noone noticing... fun living out in the country eh?

too bad that petrol costs that much :ugly:

the good news is that since some's going to do a new voiceover, i might as well fix some of the stuff you guys have pointed out.. its been extremely helpfull :D
You should think about hiring .Pixote., x'il and Josan12 to make you a cool explosion, frame-by-frame, pixel-by-pixel.