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  1. Borov

    I don't think Legendary weapons should be in the game.

    Actually I made a thread about the Gothic series but it hasnt gotten as much love as id hoped, feel free to share your thoughts there :D . As for legendary weapons there as much of a mistake as pipe weapons and WWII.
  2. Borov

    What games are we looking forward to?

    Torment. Nuff said. Was thinking about maybe playing the divinity games but it just screams fantasy, which is not really my cup of tea (however I did like pillars of eternity but still).
  3. Borov

    Best hobbies to pick up for the apocalypse?

    No skills needed, just buy an exosuit before the shit, this is reality :cry:. On a more serious note, skills for the end days? Well that depends, what kind of end? I mean, if nuclear bombs are going to kill us, then you better start digging a bunker and stocking on food and...
  4. Borov

    Why do Super Mutants, Ghouls, and Humans look better in Fallout 1 than Fallout 4?

    Wish they were bigger, bulkyer, more bent and had more tumors, pimples, holes, everything that makes them imperfect.
  5. Borov

    Why do Super Mutants, Ghouls, and Humans look better in Fallout 1 than Fallout 4?

    They made ghouls look like shriveled old men and super mutants into buffed-fucking-orcs. The originals were terrifying in the sense that when I first saw them i shit my pants. Necropolis in general is a scary place.
  6. Borov

    New Vegas and Windows 10 upgrades- worth it?

    Why not just finish New Vegas first? Upgrade just for the improvements and modern game compatibility. As far as I know, NV is completely compatible with Win 10 (just finished it).
  7. Borov

    Well trying to escape from a military helicopter was a bitch...

    Well trying to escape from a military helicopter was a bitch...
  8. Borov

    Fuck gym day in general, or gyms at all

    Fuck gym day in general, or gyms at all
  9. Borov

    Instead of saying "update your status", it should say "update your journal" .

    Instead of saying "update your status", it should say "update your journal" .
  10. Borov

    What do you think of Fallout Shelter

    Meh. Fun little time waster. Assuming it even runs properly...or at all :wall:
  11. Borov

    Fallout 4 went from Mostly Positive to Mixed in recent reviews

    Why now and not earlier? I cant say. What I CAN say is that that kind of change in game design can very well come from a monetary way of thinking, which is trying to please the player rather than pleasing the ideals of a game designer. Fallout 3 had many characteristics that made it a "walk in...
  12. Borov

    Fallout 4 went from Mostly Positive to Mixed in recent reviews

    Well yeah, you cant really say "fuck you" to someone who controls every aspect of how your going to do things.Weather it would have been leaked or not, eh.... Theres also the possibility that they had to keep everything confidential. I mean, hell, they kept fallout 4 a secret for like 7 years (I...
  13. Borov

    Fallout 4 went from Mostly Positive to Mixed in recent reviews

    Okay, I havent seen anyone ask this so i will: Is Bethesda really to blame for most of the shitty aspects of F4? What if zenimax was pulling the strings all along by telling Todd what makes today games "cool" and "fun" and "bestsellers"? Todd might just have been the yes-man to all of it and...
  14. Borov


  15. Borov

    At least nothing electrical fell in while you were there. ZZZZZZZZAP!!

    At least nothing electrical fell in while you were there. ZZZZZZZZAP!!
  16. Borov

    Overseer in a Fridge DLC

    $$...moneymoneymoneeymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoney...$$ :aiee::aiee::aiee::aiee:
  17. Borov

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    I see. Still tho, they should be the weakest of all the ranged weapons, both by caliber and by fire rate. Metro made pipe weapons good, especially the double barrel shotgun. All of them look brittle and are only "good enough".
  18. Borov

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    Also them being fully automatic whilst being made out of wood is completely wrong. Wood simply isnt a strong enough material to withstand the constant stress that the gun produces (although that can wary on the type of wood but chances are that most will be dry and weak). Fallout 2 did it right...
  19. Borov

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    Sorry for the late response, limited net plus sleeping (kinda). Pipe weapons: 1.Over saturated 2.GARGANTUANT names 3.Found at the most paradox-icly impossible places (pre war safes) 4.Plain ugly (personal opinion) 5.So many real guns, so why bother with pipe guns?
  20. Borov

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    I HATE pipe "weapons" But its mostly bethesdas fault, not the concept of it.