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  1. D

    The verdict on Caesar's Legion (minor early-game spoilers)?

    What I like about Legion is that it points out the exact flaws of current systems (which the NCR represents). It unites people of all "quality" (if saying this about people is appropriate), from scums and gangers to honest people under the flag, where they exist, without honor, watching their...
  2. D

    NCR in New Vegas

    I'm not commenting on real world cause Fallout isn't one:) Presidental rules failed once. What's the guarantee they will not fail again? There is none. In Fallout, humanity went straight to the big mushroom ending; what's stopping it from doing this again? I'd say, something like House's plan...
  3. D

    NCR in New Vegas

    the NCR did good, but it's not the point. It was obvious - well, at least to me - that humanity would form such a country sooner or later. One of the villages that will start growing, eating others and forming the New United States, over time. What bothers me however is that NCR is essentialy...
  4. D

    The sniper rifles are so powerful it makes me cry.

    well, true. I myself avoid hardcore because that just means I'm not forced to click on food one awhile. I like to consider it happens automatically "off screen". Like taking a dump ;D
  5. D


    She doesn't level up (at all) and her personal quest is glitchy. Both can be fixed with mods. The first one is simple, since she just lacks a flag for "can level up". You can do it yourself by ticking that box in GECK or download a mod that fixes it at newvegasnexus.
  6. D

    NCR in New Vegas

    And how long will the land remain a desert? NCR will finally turn into another US. ANd meet with a country that has risen from the ashes of China, unless we believe China was completely annihiliated. And what will be then? Happy-annexing politics will be suddenly stoppped? I don't think...
  7. D

    NCR in New Vegas

    NCR repeats the mistakes of every other government. Once an idiot like Kimball gets access to nuclear bombs, he will gladly bomb the other side "for the good of NCR". Like his idiotic predecessor Richardson did (well I know he didn't do it himself but - his thinking was along that line -...
  8. D

    who did you side with on your first playthrough

    House, I guess. NCR is getting more and more Enclave-ish. After all, it is the same path again: get a big country, make it prosper, then go to a silly war with bombs running across the planet again. NCR having massive problems with corruption (it's everywhere, agents can be bribed, officers...
  9. D

    Brotherhood of Steel Speculation (Minor Spoilers)

    I have mixed feelings about BoS. people like old elder and the guys that kill Followers of Apocalypse because they SUSPECT Veronica betrayed them are scum with hi-tech gear, not any better than Powder Gangers. But there are people who want the faction to change. If we recall one of the endings...
  10. D

    An interesting character build..

    bigger sneak allows you to get close to creatures like deathclaws. Sometimes it's useful because of the terrain; if they are in a pit, you won't be able to see them and target them until you come very close. SInce ED-E makes you aware of everything a million miles away, you will never fail to...
  11. D

    The sniper rifles are so powerful it makes me cry.

    Get a companion. They can tank all the gang without losing more than 50% of their health with their clothing on, believe it or not. If it's boone, veronica or raul, they can also rape all that gang alone while you're standing and watching, providing you get them some armor and a good melee...
  12. D


    Ditch Boone and get Veronica (mod fixing her level up issue). Give her pushy, balistic fist or anything like that. See her solo three Cazadors and win. Or, if you like Boone, give him Oh Baby!. I'd suggest Lily, but she can't equip unique weapons, which sucks. There is a reason...
  13. D

    The sniper rifles are so powerful it makes me cry.

    I rarely use stimpacks anyway. With some planning, you will go through every encounter without losing a single point of health.
  14. D

    Does melee characters stand any chanse against deathclaws?

    Actually, I found out it's EASIER to dodge them with HEAVY armor and lower attack speed when you're running backwards. Idk, when you are faster they start their "running attack" animation closer to you and always hit. When you're slower, they seem to miss with it. With heavy armor I just pounded...
  15. D

    OMG melee/unarmed weapons own!

    Luck adds +1% critical chance per point, exactly like it worked in all Fallouts. with 10 luck you have 10% critical chance outside VATS and 15% CC in VATS. (Yes, VATS now gives +5% CC instead of +15%)
  16. D

    The sniper rifles are so powerful it makes me cry.

    I also tend to ignore Hardcore. It doesn't add challenge, merely more micromanagement and annoyance. The game isn't more challenging when I am forced to click on food and water periodically. DasCryborg: not every place in this game can be solved with Sneak hit criticals, some are too tight...
  17. D


    Well, they have a DT or 30. I assume they have a mutated carapace that protects them from hits. Don't worry, the ultra powerful Sniper weaponry kills them with 1-2 hits like it kills everything else.
  18. D


    END of 10 adds +20 to skill points of unarmed, NOT damage.
  19. D

    Does melee characters stand any chanse against deathclaws?

    The problem of VATSing near groups of fast enemies is that each attack takes some time. For example for each VATS punch you throw, enemies advance a few steps. Which means you will get killed FAST. The only way so far I found (without taking a truckload of chems each battle) is to run sideways...
  20. D

    The sniper rifles are so powerful it makes me cry.

    It SAYS it does that DPS. YCS reloads after every shot so the final DPS is actually very low for a weapon of that magnitude. After every shot you waste ~2 seconds to reload the weapon, so DPS is actually somewhere around 70-80.