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  1. P

    Van Buren video

    Honestly, I don't remember. If I were to venture a guess, I'd say yes, it would have made release. It was coded in and left over from Jefferson (BG3 for those keeping score at home).
  2. P

    Van Buren video

    *sniff* Man, talk about salt on the wounds. Makes me sad, but then again that engine was a fucking nightmare to work with. Shame to see all the hard work we put into that game go down Herve's toilet, the shitbag. Well, back to the therapist... thanks NMA! :P
  3. P

    Facing Fallout, Todd Howard on Next Gen

    And that's the part that gets my goat the most. They've had plenty of opportunities to bring aboard people who actually worked on the original Fallout and who were working on F3 at BIS, but they seemed to refuse to even entertain the idea of hiring them (or at least gave the impression of...
  4. P

    Fallout 3 in May Issue of PC Zone UK

    Reading that interview has left me with questionable hope for a Fallout 3 I'd enjoy. I'm visualizing a teen rated, XBox 360/PC co-release, third person action romp with creatures and NPCs that level along with you like in Oblivion (which I really hated and killed any sense of character...
  5. P

    Fallout MMO news picked up by other sites

    Wow, Herve's asshole must be really sore with all that BS he just yanked out of it.
  6. P

    Interplay's business plan

    Hola! Nope, I had nothing to do with the titty-shot for Playboy. Personally, I think it's dumb - I like my titties real. As for the game, it's coming along great!
  7. P

    Interplay's business plan

    I think he drove in the Blizzard parking lot one morning before anyone was actually in the office could see him and laugh at his '78 Ford pinto.
  8. P

    Interplay's business plan

    I predict a bed-shitting of epic proportions.
  9. P

    More VB Design Docs

    You're actually going to use the POS as a reference? C'mon!
  10. P

    Interplay files 10-Q

    Who the hell would ever want to buy/merge into those legal liabilities? No one is that stupid. It's just a waiting game now to see when the big shoe will finally catch and suqash the cockroach of the gaming industry.
  11. P

    Interplay employee back-pay hearing

    Looks like Herve is quickly running out of people to screw. OH SNAP!
  12. P

    Design Doc Galore

    No, I don't agree. At most we had about 8 months of production work to do. Design was done and we were in full production mode. All but two of my maps were built (though not scripted), 75% of my art requests were done, and item placement was about 80%. The same went for for the other designers...
  13. P

    Design Doc Galore

    Actually, that's incorrect, Sean. The engine was 95% done, the documentation was complete (design, rules and interface), and the maps were 50% built. We would have shipped a month earlier than originally planned (the original plan was about October of 2004).
  14. P

    Reservation doc

    I can't tell you how much I was looking forward to seeing this area complete in-game. *sniff* :cry:
  15. P

    The corpse of Interplay still roams this fair earth

    That schmuck is building up so much damn bad karma that a prison shower scene where he's repeatedly passed around is most likely in his pathetic future. Herve is by far the true cockroach of this industry. He just won't go away and is a pain in the ass to anyone he comes around.
  16. P

    Fallout not influential

    Fallout was not an initial commercial success. It sold consistently over a long period of time, to a total over 500k present day. Success in video games is recorded in the short, fiscal term. Publishers like quick, big sales over long term sales, that's why there are so few risk takers out there...
  17. P

    Troika indeed in trouble

    That's just dirty.
  18. P

    IPLY still alive?

    After reading this article, I keep having a mental image of a cockroach refusing to die after repeated saturations from a can of bug repellent.
  19. P

    IGN talks about upcoming games

    I for one hope that F3 does not come out "in a timely release" with Elder Scrolls III. That's far too short of a dev cycle for such a huge game. I'm with the rest of you and think very little will be revealed anytime soon, which is a good thing since I want Bethesda to put as much creative...
  20. P

    Merry Christmas everyone

    Happy Holidays! I wish everyone here a great holiday season. Now go play some games!