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  1. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    I seriously doubt the Neo-Cons will side with Trump over Clinton. While more of the military sides with Trump, it really doesn't matter because the brass, the COs, they side with Clinton. Most likely, they wouldn't do much, but if they were to act, you'd probably find Clinton or a puppet of...
  2. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    He might not have, but I will So yeah, there is defintely a level of voting fraud, but it's not high in regards to the dead folk voting.
  3. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    I'm less worried about 'Timothy McVeighs' popping out of the woodwork if Trump loses and more worried about military coups if he wins. There was a piece done by the LA Times advocating one, basically saying, vote against Trump or there'll be a military coup.
  4. Antiwarprofallout

    Making Fallout Great Again

    That is probably the saddest thing about this situation. I feel bad for Sawyer, Avelone and the rest; I'd feel awful about the way this has gone if I was in their shoes and it'd be a dream come true to see it returned.
  5. Antiwarprofallout

    Making Fallout Great Again

    Unless Bethesda and Obsidian are working together in secret on a new fallout, I am of the belief that the only way fallout can become great again is *drumroll* Someone creating a competitor to it that is around the quality of New Vegas but with better gameplay. If this competitor could start...
  6. Antiwarprofallout

    North Korea

    North Korea's invasion force headed for Seoul is shredded quickly The main NK force would obviously go down that main highway to Seoul, like the last war.
  7. Antiwarprofallout

    Black Lives Matter

    BLM is an organization of peace
  8. Antiwarprofallout

    Legion Strategy inspirations

    I have a question: Does anyone else notice that the legion (ironically) uses Hannibal's strategy of putting lighter and less experienced/reliable troops at the front with veterans at the rear, that he used at Zama?
  9. Antiwarprofallout

    Nuka Rant

    Hopefully Bethesda's next game tanks worse, Zenimax rips it to shreds and Obsidian buys the fallout license.
  10. Antiwarprofallout

    Piss off NMA with 1 sentence.

    The Legion had the personality of a bunch of nihilistic fourteen year olds and you all know it
  11. Antiwarprofallout

    Ridiculous recap of Fallout 4 - Killian Experience

    Pretty funny bloke, he has videos for Fallout New Vegas and 3 too.
  12. Antiwarprofallout

    Gun Control

    Thank you, now I can show you this.
  13. Antiwarprofallout

    Gun Control

    Either say homicides or don't say anything at all. Stating gun related homicides instead of homicides in general is just plain dishonest. One, say murders or not, two, if you didn't notice, the US is the final stop on the chain of cartels, drugs and crime going northwards through the Americas.
  14. Antiwarprofallout

    Gun Control
  15. Antiwarprofallout

    DNC leaks

    This sums it up pretty well. If this is too graphic I'll take it down.
  16. Antiwarprofallout

    Gun Control

    I'm an Anarcho-Capitalist. Any violent revolution would produce bad conditions for Anarcho-capitalism and would also produce a "vanguard of the folk" situation where the vanguard would turn into a new state. I suppose for whatever your ideology is though, it might work.
  17. Antiwarprofallout

    Gun Control

    I don't think I've made this clear yet but I'm anti-violent revolution.
  18. Antiwarprofallout

    Gun Control

    I was stating that a revolution was unlikely though possible. Not really ludicrous, revolts are pretty common. Morbid and stupid is a better word for starting a war like that. I wasn't commenting on that at all actually. It's a crap system, I agree.
  19. Antiwarprofallout

    Gun Control

    Propaganda is really good in the US. Really really good. I think the government can do just about anything without mass revolt from the citizens, which is pretty sad. Remember, the government once slaughtered dozens of folk by lighting the building they were in on fire. Did folk do anything...
  20. Antiwarprofallout

    Gun Control

    He could also drive a car into a crowd of folk, or make a bomb and set it off in the mall. These are both much more efficient than trying to hit particular areas of a moving person with small metal bits. Well no, it's just if they can't get a gun legally they'll get a gun illegally and no...