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  1. Crni Vuk

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    Roger Waters Says He Is on ‘a Ukrainian ‘Kilus List’ – Rolling Stone
  2. Crni Vuk

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    Omg! Maybe Roger Waters was right!
  3. Crni Vuk

    Cyberpunk: Edgerunner review

    He is Adam Smasher in Edge Runner. But Adam Sandler in Cyberpunk 2077.
  4. Crni Vuk

    Cyberpunk: Edgerunner review

    She doesn't just die. She gats smashed. The thing that's SERIOUSLY fucked up though, are the Hellbrutes. A 40k Chaos Dreadnaught. But hold on. It gets better. Or well worse. With Nurgle the Hellbrutes are actually living beings that mutated their host. Kinda like a parastic state. But where...
  5. Crni Vuk

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    Damn. A 6 year old boy suffering from cancer who loves Bikes wanted to hear some bikes in his street driving before he dies. He posted it in a group and they expected like 20 or 30. What they got was 20.000
  6. Crni Vuk

    Cyberpunk: Edgerunner review

    But the lack of depth is an issue in my opinion an this is as much true for the story as it is for the world of night city and the gameplay. It's just the bare bones of a Role Playing Game in my opinion. And it kinda sucks because there is potential in the game and stylistically it's outright...
  7. Crni Vuk

    Women you find attractive NSFW - NO NUDITY - The Thread

    It does. Anyone who's working with machinery and has long hair should wear a hair net.
  8. Crni Vuk

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    Liver can go with fava beans and a light chiant though.
  9. Crni Vuk

    Morgan, why are you wearing a Bridge Keeper Robe?

    Morgan, why are you wearing a Bridge Keeper Robe?
  10. Crni Vuk

    Cyberpunk: Edgerunner review

    Guess I'll have to watch it then. But I have a feeling people are hyping this up a little bit too much. Like as this kind of thing was never done before - and probably better by some other shows. However not in this kind of Cyberpunk setting I guess so that's something unique, which is based on...
  11. Crni Vuk

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    To me it looks you're talking to your self, you Schizo.
  12. Crni Vuk

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    Wasn't there like one Call of Duty game that started WW3 like all of this?
  13. Crni Vuk

    Why I left Reddit for NMA (new guy)

    The special kind!
  14. Crni Vuk

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    Oh hey yea, there has been some kind of election in Brazil, now that you mention it. And while neither Bolso nor Lula Baby got over 50% it seems Lula has more votes. So they will go the next round, which will involve a boxing match between two and where they have to roll around like pigs in the...
  15. Crni Vuk

    Why I left Reddit for NMA (new guy)

    Naw Voof, that's not possible. We're all just a bunch of old assholes set in our ways that scares everyone away! Cool beans like @eissa :(! FUCK YOU TORONT >( Just joking. But still. A little bit of seriousness maybe.
  16. Crni Vuk

    Why I left Reddit for NMA (new guy)

    I was not registered, but I've spend a lot of time reading the forum before making an account. Also I am not saying I want this place to stay small. I am just saying you can not force this place to become big. I also do not mind change, if and when it happens to NMA. But again. I am not seeing...