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  1. Crni Vuk

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    On Monday, Oct. 24, the Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans and Voto Latino filed a lawsuit against Clean Elections USA, its affiliates and unidentified individuals (who allegedly have been “recruited or encouraged” by Clean Elections USA to monitor drop boxes) challenging the organization’s...
  2. Crni Vuk

    Cyberpunk: Edgerunner review

    I get what you're saying and I agree to an extend. But I also believe that it was never as easy to simply dish out "shit" like now. Particularly if we're talking about companies that know marketing and how to sell brands very well. Cyberpunk 2077 despite how mediocre it is, still made a huge...
  3. Crni Vuk

    King Arthur is Gay

    You don't have to be gay to love a man. Just make sure the balls don't touch.
  4. Crni Vuk

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    Hemorrhoids that has a dog growing on it?
  5. Crni Vuk

    Cyberpunk: Edgerunner review

    2 years even, when you consider everything that happend with the game. I mean only now are they releasing patch 1.7 soon(ish). And their first full DLC. Which will probably also add some stuff they originally wanted. Meh. I don't know. No one expects a perfectly running game that keeps all the...
  6. Crni Vuk

    House of the Dragon

    I also remember the actress which played Ivanova broke her leg or something. And they just decided to keep it for the character. So she was like running around with her broken leg in the series for some time.
  7. Crni Vuk

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    Pizza Connection is a German game with a long tradition behind it.
  8. Crni Vuk

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    There is also something called
  9. Crni Vuk

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    Who knew? He's actually real ...
  10. Crni Vuk

    House of the Dragon

    I grew up with Babylon 5 and I still think to this day that it is a great Science Fiction show. A bit dated particularly when it comes to the sets and special effects, but well it is an old series. However it's really only worth watching till Season 4. They actually wanted to do 5 seasons, that...
  11. Crni Vuk

    House of the Dragon

    Well. She kinda did that in some way. She became leader of one faction in the episode.
  12. Crni Vuk

    King Arthur is Gay

  13. Crni Vuk

    House of the Dragon

    This kinda reminds me.
  14. Crni Vuk

    Cyberpunk: Edgerunner review

    I think what's weird is that expecting things to work as promised is considered abnormal.
  15. Crni Vuk

    No. It's 28. December. No clue why or who changed it XD

    No. It's 28. December. No clue why or who changed it XD