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    Devil May Cry

    I haven't beaten DMC4 yet (need to get around to that) but the first three were fine because they were increasingly tongue in cheek. It doesn't make the writing great but when the writing pokes fun at itself it makes the audience open to laughter which can get them past the unintentionally bad...
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    Any suggestions? I'm yearning for a new(old) game

    I've heard good things about Sanitarium. Thief I&II games are two of the best stealth games ever made, I haven't tried Deadly Shadows yet. Monkey Island I&II are a good funny choice and Return to Zork (dig up the root at the beginning) is fun.
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    inXile and Unity crowdsourcing Wasteland 2 3D models

    Sure it looks like an Orkz turret but that's hardly the modeler's fault, he just did what IneXile wanted. That said, I think that the Orkz have a post-apoch look to them so having a faction with a similar style would make sense. On the comic note, do we know if the game plans on being...
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    Wasteland 2 Update: Attributes and Skills Breakdown

    You can't use Perception but you can use Examine. It sounds like Perception just gives you base points in Examine and whatever other skills use it as a base stat, like in Fallout.
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    inXile acquires Torment license. Stuff in the works?

    4th Edition would be great for a video game but there is a lot of freedom in not using another company's IP, especially for PS:T. The question isn't whether or not they can make a spiritual successor in theme but whether they can make a good gameplay system to underpin it.
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    inXile acquires Torment license. Stuff in the works?

    I also think that you underestimate the general market value of an old but successful IP. Just look at Fallout 3 and all of the positive attention it got for using the fallout IP. Buying the license will generate hype with publications if they play it right. Granted, they aren't a Bethesda...
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    Colin McComb on crowdfunding

    I'm with wes, if kickstarter wanted to be more appealing it would sell shares in games or companies rather than buying bigger preorder packages. Right now it's hardly the best for buyers.
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    Game journalism is a disgrace

    I love the idea of a journalistic website which investigates the media and reports on ethics violations and illegal activity. Ideally there would be some organization with prestige that licenses journalists. I envision something like BAR (USA law licensing organization) only instead of...
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    Men's Rights Activism

    Actually they are. Agreed, both can achieve a lot with significant training but men on average are physically stronger and faster than women. It's a fact. Keep in mind that an average is not a statement of the ability of every man or woman. Regarding physical standards, you generally are...
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    Game journalism is a disgrace

    I'm glad that you decided to post this. I read the articles in the original thread but didn't have time (I kept my girlfriend up as it was) to respond to encourage you to news post them until now. It's relevant simply because this is a problem that reaches across the whole video game industry...
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    Subm.:Vagrant Story

    Interesting. I have never owned a PSX and the first time I played it I loved the art style. The beginning isn't very colorful but I liked the renaissance Gothic feel it had going. I will admit that the costuming for the protagonist and antagonist were and remain very Japanese (I believe...
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    Shaker: Old School RPG Kickstarter

    The backers aren't charged if the project is cancelled before the kickstarter ends or if the funding goal isn't reached. I hope that they come back with a business plan this time, last time it was pretty fucking nebulous.
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    The NMA Top 100 RPG's Discussion

    That's one of the two major problems I see with the list. The other major problem is that you're aiming for 100, which is a fucking lot and means that you will end up with a far less selective list. I say narrow it down to 25 or do a 10 best list for each of the three general classifications.
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    IGN's Top 100 RPG list is Pretty Stupid

    I think that the plot is good even if the storytelling and writing aren't. The biggest problem with the gameplay is the problem that most JRPGs have which is grinding through random encounters. It would actually be a game that I wouldn't mind seeing re-imagined with only the general plot being...
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    Are JRPG's this lousy?

    Yeah, we agree to disagree. I never had a problem with efficacy once I got all of the gambits I needed (speaking of bad design...) and generally found the manual actions more clumsy to deal with. Regardless, we agree that the combat in Final Fantasy is in need of being brought up to speed...
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    Are JRPG's this lousy?

    I guess it was. I clearly wasn't working at high power when I wrote that. I was partly trying to explain the two minds on the game and why people love or hate it. I've gotten the menu to pop up and swear I've chosen options from it but they've never actually done anything. I swear that the...
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    Black Isle Studios is back

    To be fair, StarCraft II is good.
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    Are JRPG's this lousy?

    If Blitzball was a proper standalone game then yes, it would be awesome. As it was, it was a decent minigame. If you look at it as a minigame, it's fine. If you look at it as a game, it's crap. A 2D playing field with underdeveloped gameplay. I like FFVII, especially the plot, but it's not...
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    Are JRPG's this lousy?

    If you're going to go with Final Fantasy I'd suggest FFIX. It has a fun story and a good skill system. FFX had a good system but the plot was painful and there are way too many long linear corridors to run from one end to the other fighting random encounters in. FFVI (III US) is fun but the...
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    What would you think of a hunger games based video game?

    The problem with a Hunger Games video game is length. You have to figure a way to stretch the content to be long and interesting enough. If it's based on the story in the books then you have to fast forward through the non-action segments and figure out how to make the hunger games not just...