What would you think of a hunger games based video game?


Wandering the Wastelands
I read the hunger games trilogy a few months ago, and I fell in love with it. The plot, the characters, the suspence...it easily became my favorit book, surpassing the Harry Potter books for me (I know, Harry Potter is meant more for children than adults, but the story is very appealing, I think, to many age-groups).

I got to thinking that a Hunger Games based video game, if done *right* could be epic! It could introduce more of the story, OR serve as a prequel, maybe exploring Hamich's adventures during his Hunger Games.

What do you guys think? Would you be interested in a Hunger Games video game?
I've neither read the book nor seen the movie, but I heard that both are good, which is precisely why I predict that any Hunger Games game will suck BAAAAAAAAAALLLLS
PlanHex said:
I've neither read the book nor seen the movie, but I heard that both are good, which is precisely why I predict that any Hunger Games game will suck BAAAAAAAAAALLLLS

LMAO, that's usually how it goes, isn't it? Movie-based games tend to suck...likewise, game-based films do too; prime example: Silent Hill (dirty rotten bastards who did such injustice to the game by making the film).
The problem with a Hunger Games video game is length. You have to figure a way to stretch the content to be long and interesting enough. If it's based on the story in the books then you have to fast forward through the non-action segments and figure out how to make the hunger games not just pure combat.