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  1. Prosatanos

    A chance encounter between NMA'ers

    Never had the chance before. I live in Bulgaria and here have a fan site ,some of the users organize meeting every last saturday of the month,but I never meet them. The forum is cool place, but is very quiet from long time. From NMA I know 2 or 3 bulgarians ,never meet...
  2. Prosatanos

    What to play after you've played everything?

    Freelancer is a great game, after finishing the story ,then start the real game in infinite galaxy. Still keep my saves. Recommend.
  3. Prosatanos

    Do you have hope for the next Fallout?

    A completely new game from other developer - O NO, No hope. After burying of the real Black Isle and Van Buren there are no more Fallout. To have a hope and waiting for next Fallout, this is nonsense. Who will make Fallout ? The only way to have "next Fallout" is to waiting for the good mods...
  4. Prosatanos

    "Fallout: Between Good & Evil" announcement

    OK "Chapter ONE" or DEMO ? If it is a "chapter one" that mean there will be "chapter two" and e.t.c or in the distant future will have the full game in one piece ,but no in separated chapters ? Keep up good work.
  5. Prosatanos

    Redux: Download, Not Up To Date

    Redux v1.1 -
  6. Prosatanos

    Fallout Tactics mod (Old thread) ENCLAVE mod downloads Full version with bugs fixed

    I'm just a postman. The real thanks are for creator of the mod , "gunner of shi"
  7. Prosatanos

    Fallout Tactics mod (Old thread) ENCLAVE mod downloads Full version with bugs fixed

    Fallout Tactics : Enclave MOD - Part 6 Patch v 1.01
  8. Prosatanos

    Random Encounter Mod

    All of us doing that. I think. About that kind of mod - no clue.
  9. Prosatanos

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    7/10 Thanks.
  10. Prosatanos

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Who the fuck talking with you,badavatar ? [1.2/10]
  11. Prosatanos

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Don't touch it. Who is this ? [7/10]
  12. Prosatanos

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    7/10 Not mine but not bad
  13. Prosatanos

    Black Isle Studios crowdfunding PV13

    Re: I'm donating to pv13 just to piss all of you off! I'm bla bla blba blub bla fan ,no mutants allowed you are not really fans.I'm eating blabla bla lbalbalb,I'm real fan. Go there where you want and be what you want. The choice is your.
  14. Prosatanos

    Why is Fallout 3 so hated?

    Because this is not Fallout game which is presented like Fallout. It's simple.
  15. Prosatanos

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    What recent flood of grateful people .
  16. Prosatanos

    Fallout 2 rainbow problem... In layman's terms!

    Your solution is here at
  17. Prosatanos

    Fallout Today - Author photos

    This is Bulgarian !
  18. Prosatanos

    Whats the one quest you remember from Fallout 1-2?

    In Fallout, Cabot's mission to crater in Glow . Fallot 2, maybe repairing the reactor in Gecko.
  19. Prosatanos

    Toxic Caves - Fallout 2 (UDK remake)

    Awesome ,very detailed ,very cool. But where are the geckons and Smiley. ;-) You must make more locations. Good work.
  20. Prosatanos

    F1/F2 remake?

    No !