First time out of the vault

My question is just as the topic indicates: Why do so many of you here on NMA detest FO3 so greatly? I've been a fan of the Fallout series for a quite a few years now, and I personally enjoyed Fallout 3 just as much as all of the others (Excepting Brotherhood of Steel which I never played, thankfully). And I can understand not liking a game, but I have seen some people post about how it was the worst game they have ever experienced and how the developers need to die and Bethesda is the worst company ever and so on. So, name the things you don't like about it, but try to refrain from things like "I just hate it. I don't know why." You must have a reason to hate something, right? So tell me what you don't like about it, and moreover what makes you hate it with such a burning passion, and I will see if I can offer a counterpoint to it.