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  1. G

    Thanksgiving: Count your blessings about FO3

    -First game that lets me devour my frends. -Made me buy Fallout 1 and 2 before FO3 released. Perhaps the best because it opened my eyes to the best RPG ever. -Made a troll war that I lol at frequently. -Doesn't butcher lore.
  2. G

    Bethesda Softworks Announces Creation Kit and DLC

    XBrick? Well, it is quite heavy and rectangular, but far more entertaining then a brick.
  3. G

    NMA: Fallout 3 quests and more items

    Some pictures would be nice. The pages seem a bit... drab.
  4. G

    Fallout 3 - Wasteland Dancin'

    Wow, you must really like dancing. I prefer the game to this movie, however. But the part with the Oasis guys was pretty awesome. Especially when the drug kicked in.
  5. G

    Bethesda Softworks Announces Creation Kit and DLC

    I want to wait before I scream RAPE. Also, for those of you who read everything, how much lore/canon is broken in FO3? And no dead horse beating, please. P.S. I like Fallout 3, and I actually beat it without killing someone.
  6. G

    Fallout 3 US sales and tidbits

    I know. I'm a fickle bastard, so if I see someone with better crap then me, no matter what karma I'm aiming for, I'm going to fuck his face up in game. I believe all the caravaners are dead in my game.
  7. G

    [MOD] Item descriptions

    Oh damnit, this makes me even more pissed that my computer sucks. Now I just have to play my descriptionless Xbox 360 version.
  8. G

    Kotaku: Fallout 3 is broken

    Man, my Luck must be 10 in real life because my Xbox 360 I got when they first came out still works, Fallout 3 has not had a single bug for me yet, and I found my long lost manual to Fallout. Hot damn.
  9. G

    As far as I'm concerned,Fallout 3 never happened. *spoilers*

    Re: As far as I'm concerned,Fallout 3 never happened. *spoil Child at Heart helps with those annoying little brats. A LOT. And your slider must be indeed broken. My Heavy Weapons Guy character (My main character is a nerd who managed to weasel his way out of killing anything in the game by...
  10. G

    Your Character

    God damnit I hate not being able to take screenshots without looking like an idiot (I play an Xbox 360) with a camera. My character is pretty cool looking to me.
  11. G

    Fallout 3 features

    Why the fuck do people like sunny fucking Tolkien forests, wild-flowery plains, and mountains covered eternally with snow every season of the year? Why the fuck do people like linear JRPG-like quests? Motherfuck, what is wrong with people? I oughta go on a beating spree now.
  12. G

    Funniest moment in FO3? SPOILERS

    When I found Dogmeat, I got the dialogue option, "You are the only dog I met so far that hasn't tried to eat me." It made me grin for some reason. MAybe I'm just easily amused.
  13. G

    Feral ghouls: plausible or not?

    Shut up furry. You have no right saying fuck. That is a man's word. Not some damn made up furry language stuff. A man's word. In the dictionary, the book of man's language. GTFO. But yeah, verismilitude. Ghouls fit in with the Fallout universe, therefore they are plausible in that universe only.
  14. G

    As far as I'm concerned,Fallout 3 never happened. *spoilers*

    Re: As far as I'm concerned,Fallout 3 never happened. *spoil My additions are in italics. Also, did you get the Collector's Edition? I want your bobblehead and lunchbox. Keep your nerd tears off them and I'll pay you 20 dollars each.
  15. G

    Fallout 3 ending videos

    I would have liked it more if something happened that would automatically kill anyone. Like, I dunno, a big pipe falling and piercing your head, or a wounded Enclave soldier shoots you in the head with a gauss gun.
  16. G

    eMershun Mechanics - Falling Out: My Third Impression

    I guess I really am not a fan of Fallout 1. I am a console gamer so I guess I hated the game because it had no bloom. Also, since I am a console gamer, I must not use good grammar and love FO3 without even playing it. hai guyz fallout suxs but fallout 3 is thah shit!11! /end sarcastic anti-pc...
  17. G

    Illustrated Fallout 3 adventures!

    Fairy tale music? You mean music that isn't ambient, right? And stealing is usually bad, duh.
  18. G

    Fallout 3 & SecuROM

    This type of SecuRom is not a big deal, so I wouldn't go around all pissed and calling Bethesda liars.
  19. G

    AI is incredibly stupid in this game

    Hmm, and yet those god damn raiders hit my ass from a third of the map away. That's a bit of a balance issue, seeing as those raiders must have one hell of a Perception stat yet my guys can't hit shit and fire burst rounds from a minigun from behind me at the guy in front of me. They should have...
  20. G

    Where to Store my Loot?

    Sell your useless shit, or find a house, ya bum.