Funniest moment in FO3? SPOILERS


First time out of the vault
What did you think was the funniest moment in FO3? It sure cut back on the easter eggs compared to FO2 (which I liked) but there still were some funny moments!

- Liberty Prime cutting through the Enclave and talking trash... I just HAD to extract those wavs from the files... "Anchorage will be liberated!"

- Some Super Mutant chasing me stepping into a bear trap and getting killed

- A feral ghoul taking down a Super Mutant

- Megaton, some guy dying from thirst in front of the door, the Robot saying "Thirsty? Try out Moriatys..."
Last night i was sneaking up on a group of raiders to try and stealth snipe them and I hear footsteps behind me. Turn around right as a raider says something like " Oh, look what we have here..." and then out of nowhere three mutant bears maul him..and then me. Best death ever.
Probably when the Behemoth was taken out in the GNR plaza, and I got a shot if Dogmeat standing next to the fire hydrant with love in his eye.
Hmm, probably the Protectrons in the Nuka-Cola bottling factory. The way they say "Nuka-Cola" like it's a soundbite from a radio commercial and how it contrasts with their usual robotic banter always gets me.

"Objective: Protect. All. NEEEWWWWKA-COLAAA-! Employees."

Unintentional laughs were had when I took out a behemoth and his body stretched out like a rubber band before flailing about like a mass of insane green spaghetti for some bizarre reason.
This one was amazing for me because I thought near the deathclaw sanctuary there was going to be an amazing quest of these deathclaw having seizures and i open up and nope it's just a "stuck" body, a close second that ghoulery is contagious by being around ghouls according to the one building and how the man talks about his dad's book that you search for and it's not even there.
I was in canterbury commons. I went to talk to the son of the guy who runs the town, the name escapes me. I finish talking to this kid, and he walks away. Except the walking animation doesn't play. So he's standing, and just kinda "glides" out of the room, turns a corner, and finishes gliding down the hallway before the walking animation kicks in. It was fucking hilarious! A glitch like that is priceless.
I dunno if this is the funniest.. but some of those jokes Wadsworth tells you - GROAN...

"Photons have mass? .... "
Yeah, I love the robot butler. Too bad his humor emitter array takes so long to recharge.

There is a little grocery you can enter and on the floor are big arrows leading to an obvious pressure plate and if you follow it it sets off an elaborate series of traps like a Rube Goldberg machine and eventually blows the whole thing up.

And pantsing people never gets old. The little pat-down dance they do just before exploding is priceless.
I attack Moira, she runs out of her store, me following her. After Megaton loads up, Moria looks me dead in the eye and says something like "What can I do for you" in her ridiculous voice, then she bolts. I pull up VATS and use the gun from her dead bodyguard to blow open her head.

silly glitches.
When I found Dogmeat, I got the dialogue option, "You are the only dog I met so far that hasn't tried to eat me." It made me grin for some reason. MAybe I'm just easily amused.
I had dropped my Fat Man to drop a load of weight for a bit so I could manage my inventory, but as soon as I turned around it was gone, I didn't think much of it as I had already stashed one other back in Tenpenny Tower, yet lo and behold, five minutes later Jericho pulls out a Fat Man that he must have gotten somewhere and annihilates a group of Mole Rats while screaming "YOU BETTER NOT FUCKING BLEED ON ME".
Eyenixon said:
I had dropped my Fat Man to drop a load of weight for a bit so I could manage my inventory, but as soon as I turned around it was gone, I didn't think much of it as I had already stashed one other back in Tenpenny Tower, yet lo and behold, five minutes later Jericho pulls out a Fat Man that he must have gotten somewhere and annihilates a group of Mole Rats while screaming "YOU BETTER NOT FUCKING BLEED ON ME".


I rather liked the patrolling guard robot in the underworld museum.
I had dropped my Fat Man to drop a load of weight for a bit so I could manage my inventory, but as soon as I turned around it was gone, I didn't think much of it as I had already stashed one other back in Tenpenny Tower, yet lo and behold, five minutes later Jericho pulls out a Fat Man that he must have gotten somewhere and annihilates a group of Mole Rats while screaming "YOU BETTER NOT FUCKING BLEED ON ME".

I second that ROFL

Convincing Dukovs whore to let me take her away with me(she thought I was going to take her to Rivet City, what a sucka), I put on a matching nighty and lesbians took to the wasteland!
I'd say:

- Crawling around the Science museum, I decappitated a super mutant from range, and its body stayed standing for a few seconds teetering around blood still spurting out, then just crumpled to the ground. Kinda wish I snagged a sceenie of it.

- The conversation with Robo Button during the quest to get the declaration of independance. The pep talk over the PA system had me confused for a second as I thought it was the "I have not yet begun to fight!" John Paul Jones speech I remember they play from the naval history section of the Smithonian Air and Space Museum, or a variation of it. I didn't connect the dots pretty much until I got to the last door and stepped in to come face to face with Button. The ensuing conversation was also priceless.

- Nukalurks. A new strain of Maryland Blue Crabs, only really hyperactive.

- In the Citadel's Lab's bathroom, there's a Sugar Bomb shrine. Seriously.

- The hockey goons you encounter after getting the nuka-clear formula. Especially the girl's line, "I like these guys, they let me play with their pucks!" Plus you get Caps for it. Get it? Washington Caps? Washington Capitols? Hockey? Nyuk nyuk. I'm guessing Ledoux is a tribute to hockey fan favorite film Slapshot, where the goalie's name was Lemieux (similar pronunciation). As for the others, no clue. Don't sound like any Washington Caps players I know or remember. But it's a nice touch the names are French Canadian.

- I had a similar experience to Eyenixon's. I decided to hoof it out with dad after Vault 112 instead of fast traveling (which if you do is somewhat Fallout-esque, minus dad being invincible). Coming up on the Flooded Metro station and the raider camp there, dad only has his fists (he starts out with a .32 pistol but runs out of ammo quickly) and the first Raider we hit is the one with the rocket launcher, so I peg him quick and start dealing with the other 2. No sooner than I had VATS one of the goons, popping out of VATS, a missile screams by me and kersplodes the other raider, so I think I missed one. Turns out Dad picked up the missile launcher from the first goon. I didn't have time to laugh my ass off because he's the lead and continues for Rivet City with me in chase. A city block or two further we come across an overpass with two muties raining minigun death on us. Dad readies the missile launcher and kerspodes them as well. I was so proud of him, I know where I get it from now.
AI glitches like this one happened all the time in Oblivion, this is the first time I saw it in F3:

I walked into the Billy's house (Megaton) and, failing to see Billy himself sitting next to the entrance, took two bottles of nuka-cola from the table. I assume Billy really likes his cola, because he opened fire at me. I shoot him down, and at that moment hear 'Can I try?' from behind me. Yes, that's little Maggie, who just entered the house and saw me standing over the dying body of her guardian and friend. I talk to her, and the only new option is 'Who takes care of you?' and she answers 'Well, Billy used to. Before he... before he died. I don't know now. Maybe I'll see if Manya will help me...'.


One reload later:
I dragged those nuka-cola bottles to another room to steal them safely, and Maggie enters with the sheriff's son. She sits next to Billy and says:
-"You said we could have that talk sometime. You know. About boys. I'm ready! I'm ready now! There's some stuff I need to know. Like, really bad."
-"Whoa! Whoa now, honeybun! Let's ah... Let's slow down a little, okay? You've got a lot of time left before that stuff is important. All right?"
-"Geez, Billy, you're so timid with this stuff. I won't be a kid forever, you know."
-"I know, I know, sweetheart. Now you run along, okay? Billy's got some thinking to do."
And the little sheriff is standing behind her with a hardon the whole time. Then they all remain in their places, and occasionally say goodbye to each other.
when I was rescuing riley's rangers I guess the super mutants were setting off mines up ahead while I was sneaking around because I found at least four of them dead, stuck in ceilings/doorjambs and wiggling around from getting blasted straight up and stuck in the scenery objects.
I had made a save right before exiting 101 so I could quickly change my build and looks. I loaded the save and thought maybe I should play a female character, I selected female and then decided against it and changed back. A few minutes later I'm walking the wastes in the 3rd person, but something seemed pretty off, almost like there was little too much sway in the hips. My manly man had a stunningly manly body with all the delicious allure of female body movement.