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  1. Radiosity

    Fallout 4 - Far Harbor Official Trailer

    Kellogg's Crunchy Nuts, perhaps?
  2. Radiosity

    Fallout 4 - Far Harbor Official Trailer

    lol... now try it in the new survival mode where taking radaway causes all sorts of problems. Yeah, I can see that being 'fun'.
  3. Radiosity

    The Referendum on EU Membership in United Kingdom

    Fuck the EU. Out all the way. I'm old enough to remember how much better things were before that undemocratic clusterfuck of a political gravy train got going. We don't need them. And having Obama actually threaten us if we do leave? Yeah, he can go screw himself as well. Also, our own...
  4. Radiosity

    Playing New Vegas after fallout 2

    Even with a powerful PC like mine, adding more NPCs via mods to make the world feel more alive pretty much brings the game to its knees. So yeah, the engine simply can't cope. Unsurprisingly.
  5. Radiosity

    Is Dead Money Unfair?

    Context helps lol. He's a character in my favourite show. There are brands that create various outfits and each has their own style and a top designer. Marcel is top designer for a brand that specialises in modern interpretations of clown and circus-themed outfits and the like. He never speaks...
  6. Radiosity

    The number of quests in Fallout 4 vs. New Vegas and Skyrim

    Carlyle can also be persuaded into simply walking over to the Ultralux if you have high speech. Or pistolwhip him if you have high guns. So many choices it boggles the mind.
  7. Radiosity

    Is Dead Money Unfair?

    Blame Bethesda. Know the main reason Dead Money (and the rest) were the way they were? Budget constraints. They had to do a hell of a lot with a hell of a little money, hence why they found interesting ways to reuse existing assets, and created something as amazing as Dead Money, which features...
  8. Radiosity

    New Fallout Map Size?

    I want to fight a Thresher Maw in a Vertibird, because that would be COOL and BADASS. Yep.
  9. Radiosity

    Why Fo4 fucked Fallout lore

    That's an achievement right there. Put those on the market and you'd be richer than Bill Gates.
  10. Radiosity

    Is Dead Money Unfair?

    Writing a mute character is a challenge, but a hugely satisfying one. Done it myself (twice, once with two characters who couldn't speak the same language, once with a clown who never speaks and only communicates in sign language). Finding ways to get meaning across without speech in a written...
  11. Radiosity

    Fallout 4 - Far Harbor Official Trailer

    I may have to use a variation of this as the title of a novel :)
  12. Radiosity

    What food do you eat that everyone else thinks is weird?

    Hi5! I also have them on the side of meals as a nice spicy accompaniment :)
  13. Radiosity

    Fallout 4 - Far Harbor Official Trailer

    Simple: Because going underwater will be mandatory, so they have to make sure you can do so even without that perk. You know Bethesda won't give any options for working around things like that, it'll just be 'go to point a, kill creature b, here's a diving suit to do it because choices are silly'.
  14. Radiosity

    What food do you eat that everyone else thinks is weird?

    Man... this thread is going to be gold for me. I have a character in what I'm writing now who loves weird food combos, this thread is already providing a plentiful bounty :)
  15. Radiosity

    Fallout 4 - Far Harbor Official Trailer

    Yup, literally the first thing I thought. Bethesda is so creatively bankrupt it's not even funny any more, just rehashing the same shit over and over.
  16. Radiosity

    Creation Kit and mods are out

    It's also one of those things that's not really enforceable in any meaningful way, it's just Bethesda covering their bases, same as any other EULA. That's the sort of thing no one, not even the companies involved, wants going to court because it could set really bad precedents.