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  1. Radiosity

    50 Minutes of 76

    Underrail's great, definitely worth playing. Probably a good idea to check some build videos on Youtube though, that game isn't cocking about when it comes to you screwing yourself over with bad builds ;)
  2. Radiosity

    Rumour: Bethesda to reveal sci-fi open-world game Starfield at E3 2017

    For anyone saying Bethesda wouldn't be dumb enough... remember that this is the company that gave us Kid in a Fridge.
  3. Radiosity

    Sequels you want?

    New Vegas. Not a direct sequel, though it'd be nice for some stuff to be mentioned (same as happens in NV itself and happenings in the NCR etc.). But set nearby-ish, new factions, new enemies, no mutants or BoS... you know, what a real sequel should've been. So basically, everything Fallout 4...
  4. Radiosity

    If you were the chief writer on Fallout 4...

    I wrote something like this a month or two ago, read if you like ;p
  5. Radiosity

    Mass Effect Andromada: What we know so far

    Keep up the good work, dude ;p
  6. Radiosity

    Kojima production and death stranding thread

    As I said on Twitter a few days ago: This is basically WHAT EVEN: The Game.
  7. Radiosity

    Final Fantasy XV

    I've been a GT fan since the first one way back in the mists of time. Spent SO many hours playing that, then 2, then moved to 3 and onto 4... then 5 happened and... yeah. It was fun but it always felt like an unfinished, rushed game.
  8. Radiosity

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Coolio :) Downloaded it, now just need to find time to actually play.
  9. Radiosity

    Final Fantasy XV

    After 5, I can't honestly agree with that. The standard cars ported more or less verbatim from 4 killed most of my enthusiasm for it, never bought 6 as a result.
  10. Radiosity

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Went and grabbed the bundle as well, will check out Secret World. I remember seeing it once before and thinking it looked neat, but then forgot about it, oops.
  11. Radiosity

    Thought I'd share this with you

    Doubtful, considering Bethesda no longer give early review copies out to anyone.
  12. Radiosity

    Final Fantasy XV

    If this was Steam that wouldn't be an issue. But given Sony's godawful servers that can STILL barely push 500kb/s to 1MB/s at best... yeah, that ain't going to be fun. I'm just going to wait for the eventual Steam release anyway, got plenty of occupy me for the next year.
  13. Radiosity

    My issues with 'modern' fallout players...

    It's basically pointless anyway, Beth fans are blind to that sort of thing. Rationality, reason, logic, facts, truth, none of them even factor into the average Bethesda fan's thought processes (if they even HAVE thought).
  14. Radiosity

    Today is 1 year since Fallout 4 has been released for sale and I still didn't purchase it

    lolno. It went in on the Steam sales charts at #3 after only Dishonored 2 and Civ 6, doing really well.
  15. Radiosity

    Fallout/Shock series sequel trends

    It follows the same basic curve as PC adoption among kiddies and casuals. IE, Steam's popularity skyrocketed, PC components got cheap enough to be more competitive than consoles, devs started targeting mass appeal instead of making good games.
  16. Radiosity

    Help me understand the weapons in FO4

    Noted, will be poking you on laser-related matters for my own fiction, hope you don't mind ;)
  17. Radiosity

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Bought Doom in the sale. Discovered post-fact it had Denuvo. Refunded and bought Tales of Symphonia... remembered after buying that it also had DRM. Fortunately it seems they actually removed it from that one, however, so I kept it. Haven't played it properly yet because Civ 5 has eaten my life...
  18. Radiosity

    Fallout 4, where talking to feral deathclaws is apparently possible...

    Actually I've been known as Radiosity since around 2004, so Beth copied ME ;p
  19. Radiosity

    About Fallout 4's companion system

    Yep. Because NV is an RPG, not a shallow relationship simulator :)