My issues with 'modern' fallout players...

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Residential Zealous Evolved Nano Organism
The lack of questioning and research.

They never seem to research the origins of fallout, what made it so popular, how the game played, etc.

I see countless people who say they don't like how fallout 1-2 plays, only to then say they have never played the game.

Make no mistake, I thought I would not like fallout 1, until I played the game, at which point I found the game to be lovely.

I honestly had no clue turnbased games could be that nice to play, and admittedly, I had never played one before!

And when they ask questions...

They ask the wrong ones!

"What's with the hate of everything that isn't Fallout 1,2 or New Vegas?"

This question should be, "What makes fallout 3 and 4 so disliked compared to the originals?"

Another issue is the lack of understanding of mechanics.

I for one believe you can only understand a game's mechanics, if you look into the programming/mod it.

I know how say, New vegas's weapons/armour works, because I've modded in some custom gear (made a companion...Yes, a furry one. ;P)

I know how a Dwarf Fortress creature works, or how blades work in that game, etc.

But try to explain how Fallout 1-2-NV has superior damage/health/armour/etc mechanics, and you'll get statements which proves they've never even looked at the code, or even look at the ingame stats!

As a question, what are your issues with 'modern' fallout players? Or perhaps just gamers in general?
They never seem to research the origins of fallout, what made it so popular, how the game played, etc.

I see countless people who say they don't like how fallout 1-2 plays, only to then say they have never played the game.

Make no mistake, I thought I would not like fallout 1, until I played the game, at which point I found the game to be lovely.

I honestly had no clue turnbased games could be that nice to play, and admittedly, I had never played one before!
A while back, I used to only consider people real Fallout Fans if they have played both 1 and 2, for that reason.

Anyone who dismisses games purely for being old or for being isometric is in my eyes, not a real Fallout fan.
A while back, I used to only consider people real Fallout Fans if they have played both 1 and 2, for that reason.

Anyone who dismisses games purely for being old or for being isometric is in my eyes, not a real Fallout fan.

Mmmm, I could say that its fair to not like Fallout 1-2, due to its gameplay, provided you acknowledge its the originals, and ergo the future games must comply with them.

Not everyone is a fan of isometric.

But yeah, I've talked to WAY too many people who say they are 'fans' then basically shit on fallout 1 and 2.
That they aren't. People attracted by Skyrim, merchandising and popular word, that will leave to ES6 when it's out or whatever flashy enough to catch their attention. Normally they hate RPGs despite never having played one, but proudly call Bethesda games "RPGs" anyways.

Now, if they part in holy pilgrimage to any of the other games; even Fallout 3 counts, although that's the mid-point; with an open mind, either to NV or the Classics, whichever one and order, possibly with some repeats to see the actual Roleplaying, then they can safely say if they like Fallout or not.

Obviously, if they like it, then that's it, you can call yourself a Fallout Fan. It's not that hard, isn't it?

It's irrelevant if they are in since last month or since 1997, even if the latter knows best most of the time.

It's not a cult. It's just about getting what Fallout is in some way.
Was thinking about making some sort of FAQ about Fallout for Beth fans as there is a long list of obvious questions or outright false statement that keep coming back every day for years and that would require an factual answer.

You can't argue about taste, nor even should. But when you read that Beth saved the IP, that Fallout 1 was isometric because the tech didn't allow 3d, that isometric is a trend from the 90s (they were already a niche in a market dominated by 3d, just like today), that Fallout team made Fobos, etc... It would save so much time to just have a list of answers...

Sadly, i never committed to it...
Was thinking about making some sort of FAQ about Fallout for Beth fans as there is a long list of obvious questions or outright false statement that keep coming back every day for years and that would require an factual answer.

You can't argue about taste, nor even should. But when you read that Beth saved the IP, that Fallout 1 was isometric because the tech didn't allow 3d, that isometric is a trend from the 90s (they were already a niche in a market dominated by 3d, just like today), that Fallout team made Fobos, etc... It would save so much time to just have a list of answers...

Sadly, i never committed to it...
It's basically pointless anyway, Beth fans are blind to that sort of thing. Rationality, reason, logic, facts, truth, none of them even factor into the average Bethesda fan's thought processes (if they even HAVE thought).
Was thinking about making some sort of FAQ about Fallout for Beth fans as there is a long list of obvious questions or outright false statement that keep coming back every day for years and that would require an factual answer.

You can't argue about taste, nor even should. But when you read that Beth saved the IP, that Fallout 1 was isometric because the tech didn't allow 3d, that isometric is a trend from the 90s (they were already a niche in a market dominated by 3d, just like today), that Fallout team made Fobos, etc... It would save so much time to just have a list of answers...

Sadly, i never committed to it...

Make it!

Make a thread on it, let the mods sticky it or something! ;D

I could try helping.
Yeah, figured as much once I was actually done researching the things and read your post again.
Oh well, was actually kind of fun to look for those figures.
"It's because modern games shouldn't appeal to fags but rather a wider audience. They're much more intelligent than you filthy neckbeard 70s loving nostalgia fags. Who wants to play bad graphics games when we have Fallout 4 GOTY Edition and Minecraft? Lmao. You've probably never played a 'real' video game for true gamers, you've probably only played those shitty Lego Fallouts with their shitty voice acting and shitty molerats (pig rats? wtf)! Try selling Fallout 1 or 2 or that other one with gambling and other gay shit to today's superior audience- you can't- because your 'games' are dying out and hopefully you will too."

Don't mind me, just testing out if people can detect my new subtle sarcasm.
"It's because modern games shouldn't appeal to fags but rather a wider audience. They're much more intelligent than you filthy neckbeard 70s loving nostalgia fags. Who wants to play bad graphics games when we have Fallout 4 GOTY Edition and Minecraft? Lmao. You've probably never played a 'real' video game for true gamers, you've probably only played those shitty Lego Fallouts with their shitty voice acting and shitty molerats (pig rats? wtf)! Try selling Fallout 1 or 2 or that other one with gambling and other gay shit to today's superior audience- you can't- because your 'games' are dying out and hopefully you will too."

Don't mind me, just testing out if people can detect my new subtle sarcasm.

Sarcasm? Where? I can't see it...

The best fans are the ones who say 'Obsidian must copied what Bethesda did, they are uncreative' or 'Obsidian just reused Fallout 3, they should have made heir own engine'.

But nothing beats death threats. I'm sad I don't get more, they add some hilarity with their poor grammar and over the top anger.
The best fans are the ones who say 'Obsidian must copied what Bethesda did, they are uncreative' or 'Obsidian just reused Fallout 3, they should have made heir own engine'.

But nothing beats death threats. I'm sad I don't get more, they add some hilarity with their poor grammar and over the top anger.

Ok let me try...

*ahem* if u dnt lik beffesda i will fukin BEET U 2 DEF!

...nah it can't be replicated by anyone with a modicum of intelligence.


"I love that symbol. It is unique in that it allows me to express the feeling of laughter so powerful that it forces my eyes shut like molten hot wax."

Hey blame Foxy Tits he started it.
About the sells, i don't know which is the source, but i read somewhere that Obsidian games aren't really known for making big sales at release, but their game keep being sold long after the release, which was something some publishers took into account when dealing with them. Even less known games like Alpha Protocol, keep providing profit for Sega.

The point is that there are some games that keep being relevant as the time goes on, while some other might sell well at release, but are quickly forgotten. Anyway, the initial Fallout games weren't meant for the crowd, but for the audience that was looking forward what the game had to offer. No matter what we think about AAA games, there is an audience that will simply not find what they are looking for with these products...
Mmmm, I could say that its fair to not like Fallout 1-2, due to its gameplay, provided you acknowledge its the originals, and ergo the future games must comply with them.

Not everyone is a fan of isometric.

But yeah, I've talked to WAY too many people who say they are 'fans' then basically shit on fallout 1 and 2.
When dealing with those kinds of fans, I like to throw a particular quote at them: "Who are you, that do not know your own history?" Thanks to New Vegas, there is a plethora of quotes to throw at those so-called fans.

I dislike people who claim to be Fallout 'fans' but never acknowledge the classics. It's disingenuous to claim to be a Fallout fan yet frequently ignore & disrespect the first two games of the franchise (You don't have to like something in order to respect it after all). Kinda like what Matty did for 1 & 2 (before Hines roasted him for not playing 1 & 2).
I know a lot of Fallout fans who have not played the original. They usually don't game on the pc or barely use or even own one. These kind of people are easy to please I find. They must be. Fucking non-pc using barbarians...
Yeah...First fallout I played (and still enjoy a fair amount) was fallout 3 GOTY on PS3.

But NV with tale of two wastelands blows it out of the water.
Well, Fallout got thousands, ney, millions of new players after the release of Fallout 4. That was mostly because of the damned overhype that was created by these 'reviewers' and 'medias' who are really just paid to make these videos. Because, if i'm a creator, I wouldn't stand around and praise the holy crap of an unpublished game.

That gave Bethesda permission to create the game, the way they did it. These new players did not understand 'options', 'storytelling' or even R.P.G. Because Fallout was built upon the 90's RPG engine, where your choices actually matter, and where gameplay really doesn't matter. Let me be honest; i've seen games from 1992 better gameplay than Fallout 1. But storytelling and atmosphere? No.

For many, the problems there doesn't matter for them when it comes to the storyline. Brotherhood being the Saviors suddenly? Oh well, they were that in Fallout 3 as well! A faction with no depth whatsoever than being mad scientists or robot-loving freaks? Well, there should be no reason to tell you(?).

The concept of understanding and storytelling isn't there for them. Because what Shaun tells you about the Institute is nothing, because we can literally see F.E.V labs being used for no reason. Why can't we ask why, and why doesn't he explain?

For the normal gamer, it's a black and white scenario. Shaun is the evil, and if you want to get an understanding of him... well use Youtube and search ''Institute is GOOD?!''.

Caesar on the other hand... well he fucking tells you what he does, and why. But Youtubers, players in general skip the fucking dialogue when Caesar explains why he is what he is and what his legion stands for.

For them, creating a game which is shoot, loot, repeat is enough to satisfy their needs, because games, youtubers, had made that a standard for the typical RPG.

Make fun of Call of Duty because it's repetitive and just a shooter? Well clean your own backyard, sucker.
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