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  1. R

    WTB Strategy Game with emphasis on trade

    Do you know Port Royale? Might do the trick for you. You can either just trader, or also produce. Or even explore/conquer if you like that too. I prefer the first one over the second one. I do not know how popular the game is outside germany/europe
  2. R

    What did you get for Christmas?

    + some money on my bank account
  3. R

    Fallout 3 wins RPG of the Year at Gamespot

    Thats my point. If you don't need to be an RPG to win the award, why not give it to the best game?
  4. R

    Fallout 3 wins RPG of the Year at Gamespot

    They should have given the award to GTA IV
  5. R

    Jeff Gardiner on DLC again

    :lol: the many many sequels and expansions of Civilization..haha great :lol: Till the 3D move Civ had 2 sequels and 2 expansions. Within 12 years. Did you actually thought that it had many or did you just try to make something up? Anyways, thanks for the laugh. Oh and of course Fallout...
  6. R

    Fallout 2 & 3 side by side comparison

    Which does not make much sense in 2277 either. Ofc we could just f*ck cannon and use bethesdas story, but then you could also just invent some sort of story for 2087
  7. R

    Padding out The Power Of The Atom

    I'd suggest we move that bomb away from megaton to a hidden stash in close proximity. As stated before: nobody would build a "town" around a bomb. So maybe Simms discovered the bomb after it was too late to just abandon megaton. So he hide the bomb even better . Maybe it fell through a roof of a...
  8. R

    Need an idea for expanding my mod

    Looks like a place for a batmobile? Maybe put it next to the lightsabre holster?
  9. R

    Fallout 2 & 3 side by side comparison

    Definitly not. If I remember corretly you like to robot. The robot with milk glass. See my point? Also the cake in the vault does not fit at all. Leni Riefenstahl statues.. You can go on for a long time about this. Sure, F2 does the same, but saying that FO3 is closer to the theme is just as...
  10. R

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #74

    Per you sure are a sadist..all this lies we have to read..its so painful :( adding "The Existential Gamer" in my blocked sites
  11. R

    Theoretical Question - Taiwan, and YOU as U.S President

    So why do your style of strategy and politics sounds like 1940, along with your informations? So many flaws, I'd like to start with the fact that china is not capable of taking taiwan.
  12. R

    Theoretical Question - Taiwan, and YOU as U.S President

    Oh yes, nothing more important then eastern/southern siberia for russia in times of icbms and m.a.d. what year is it garfunkel? 1940?
  13. R

    Fallout 3: Quests

    problem is: its not the characters that lies, but bethesda. If you suspect Roy to start killing everybody you can stand guard in order to provide security. Nothing happens. You leave and Tenpenny magically dies. You can now do that again and see everybody else getting killed, or you can shoot...
  14. R

    Thursday Modding Update

    Vote +1 Supreme Commanders Mod Database was called "the Vault" - I kinda like that too
  15. R

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Ja 2 Version 1.13 with Urban Chaos Mod and H.A.M.2 improvements :lol: and I'm lovin it: Warzone
  16. R

    Virus question

    Well if the numbers in Linux users keep increasing, sooner or later you will have problems with spyware too..
  17. R

    Theoretical Question - Taiwan, and YOU as U.S President

    A-E: Nothing Nuclear War is a bad thing kinda. Oh and I doubt the chinese would dare an invasion. Right now the force (as you indicate) is not capable of taking taiwan military. They would just raise a blockade and force (most likely successfully) taiwan to surrender. The united states could...
  18. R

    Philosophical Questions

    I'd say anarchy can exist without chaos but only in very small groups. Everything that doesn't requier a hierarchy. Ofc. all people inside the group must have the same ideology about anarchism.
  19. R

    Virus question

    Honestly? Forget about "getting rid of" and format your harddrive/set up your system. If it steals passwords it is a high risk to trust your anti-spyware programs that they take care of it. If they miss something you just loose all your accounts. Oh and, yes personally I think AVG is not very...
  20. R

    I can't feel my arms anymore! (not an ailment)

    I once moved my entire desktop pc, including monitor, and my luggage over 250km using a little wheeled thing (dunno the english word). Including bus and trainrides..oh boy, it took a week or so to feel the arms again - and a year to stop hating the inpolite society.