WTB Strategy Game with emphasis on trade


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Like said in the topic, I am looking for a game that gives you an opportunity to become a trader, striding the world in search of the best prices. Any suggestions?
Best I can think of is Freelancer or X-Threat but I don't think you are looking for either of those.

Thats a tough one. I can't think of a good game that has serious trade elements unless you go mmorpg.
Hmm..well, only thing that comes close is Victoria.

Trading is necessary,as many things require different resources and commodities, and prices are effected by supply and demand.
You can sell, or buy. This also effects the eonomy of your country.
You can set taxes, and tarifs, defense,education,crime fighting,social security budget, and even social rights, like working hours and healthcare, and pension etc.

You can also research techs,that effect your military and economy, and culture and trade for them.

You have to manage production of goods, and you can build factories/railways(that make production more efficient),resource extracting "units" like mines and timber lodges and expand them, or let the capitalists do it for you, as long as you have the taxing of rich set to near nill. You also have to manage work force,by educating or training them, which costs commodities, and having low taxes and jobs opportunities make your country's populace grow, thanks to those nice immigrants.

I would call it rather complex.

And you can still wage war. Which is effected by technological advances like the growth of firepower in the late 1890s and early 19th century.
<3 Victoria.

That is a game that truly needs a sequel.

Also, Patrician 3 is kinda good.
I assume you are talking about this game http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_(game) .

It seems good enough. Though I am curious how titles like Europa Universalis stand in this matter?
Yep, that is the one.
That game has a nasty learning curve though.
Takes a lot of time to really get to know all the small details etc. Really worth it though.
I always wondered if like, there was a game like that but where you could send your queen over to fuck some king but she'd have like poison hidden in her arsehole and then she'd kill their king.

I dunno, thoughts?
SupermanOctopus said:
I always wondered if like, there was a game like that but where you could send your queen over to fuck some king but she'd have like poison hidden in her arsehole and then she'd kill their king.

I dunno, thoughts?

There are probably one or two Japanese titles devoted to this
There was an old game called Capitalism (and I think there was a Capitalism 2) that was all about trade and economics. It was a pretty fun game too, from what I remember. It would be quite old by now, though.

I really like Victoria, even though I regard it as a failure as a game (a magnificent failure, though). It's very fun and engrossing, but it over-simplifies many of the things it's trying to simulate. They seem very complex because the interface and mechanics are inelegant.

Definitely a game that could use a sequel. Executed correctly Victoria 2 could be the best strategy game ever made.
There are games such as Colonization which have a larger breadth of options but still focus on trade. Similarly, Imperialism and its sequel Imperialism 2 also have a strong focus on economical elements.

My absolute favorite is The Patrician series, which is entirely focused on trade. I believe GoG just added the third title to their catalog, I really do suggest you try it.
There are several other games such as Conquest of the New World which also contain somewhat hefty economic elements, but as far as the most involved goes, The Patrician is the utmost commendable of selection.

EDIT: UniversalWolf mentioned the Capitalism series, which is good as well, although not my favorite, Victoria however, I despise, as it is quite an insipid and trite incarnation of the Europa Universalis series, I believe it was quite criticized upon release for its comparative simplicity which I believe to be far too crippling for a game that attempts to emulate its past brethren.
Not very, but Port Royale was created by the same company that did The Patrician, Ascaron (more known for their Sacred series).
Roflcore said:
Do you know Port Royale? Might do the trick for you. You can either just trader, or also produce. Or even explore/conquer if you like that too.


I prefer the first one over the second one. I do not know how popular the game is outside germany/europe

Hmm, looks nice. I don't really like the mechanics of Victoria and the interface is horrible as far as I've seen, so I just might check out this one.
Roflcore said:
Do you know Port Royale? Might do the trick for you. You can either just trader, or also produce. Or even explore/conquer if you like that too.


I prefer the first one over the second one. I do not know how popular the game is outside germany/europe

I checked it out and it's a nice game, but this kind of gameplay begs for a multiplayer. I found a similar MMO to it, Dogs of the Seas and started playing it. It's free and I think worth of trying.

Interested people go here: http://www.dogsoftheseas.com/[/url]