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  1. G

    Restricted Area: Gold in Germany

    Looks that way, considering the website touts it as an Action/RPG with... Still... it does look promising.
  2. G

    Troika's PA RPG shots!!

    No, but that's an assumption, he never did say any of that. It seemed pretty clear to me that he was saying he liked 2D graphics more than 3D because they're more detailed (I don’t think he’s seen how much 3D technology has evolved), that with the experience Troika have from past projects...
  3. G

    Troika's PA RPG shots!!

    Or untrue, for that matter. It depends on the personal taste of an individual, really. I don’t see what’s so confusing about his post, he’s obviously stating an opinion, albeit probably not in the clearest way. I can see where he’s coming from though. Right now you can’t fart without...
  4. G

    Troika's PA RPG shots!!

    The prospect of another Post Apocalyptic RPG is great, but I wouldn't buy it for the graphics alone. I'm not a big fan of 3D, so I'd of preferred 3D characters on 2D backgrounds, or straight up 2D only, but I know those graphics don't appeal to the majority. Hope they find a publisher.
  5. G

    Pete explains

    Can you do any tricks?
  6. G

    Bethesda PR talks to Gamespy

    Well fuck a duck this sucks... yet I'll sleep content in the knowledge that Fallout 3 will flop worse that FOPOS and that Bethesda will never make a dime out of it.
  7. G

    IPLY homeless...

    It's a million to one chance... but it just might work! Sorry, I just finished reading Guards! Guards!
  8. G

    IPLY surprises?

    I thought they could call it; Fall Out: A Post Bankrupt Interactive Porn Movie
  9. G

    IPLY surprises?

    and if she isn't they'll just cast someone who is.
  10. G

    IPLY update

    Maybe... as a CD-Rip download from somewhere like Home of the Underdogs. I doubt anyone would freely throw their money away on those games, no matter how bad their taste is.
  11. G

    Interplay's D&D rights; possible explanation

    What about releasing them as freeware (as if...), would that be allowed? What a sad end... :(