IPLY surprises?

Who would have thought that a simple statement from some receptionist would receive so much public attention and (over)analysis. Why not also make a movie about her? :whatever:
Briosafreak said:
"The PC is far more profitable for us than the console," said O'Neil. "You're not playing platform fees to manufactures, for one thing, which range ... from $7-$10 [for each copy of the game that is sold]. The console business is very high volume and very low margin."

So Interplay changing focus to consoles wasn`t such a good idea after all...

Ironic, isn`t it?...


Isn't that called -nasty way of backfiring- ?

This all so sad, innovative companies beeing bought,
and forced to produce sequel over sequal,
and other good companies being lead to death
by waterheads in the leadership...
That would be the second porn movie produced by interplay. Did you forget that one with the Pipboy?? They even launched the video with some toys and condoms. :shock:


Actually it would be the third, since you can make a porn video in Fallout 2..
Familiar Face

Familiar Face

... Ron Jeremy ...

Ever since I saw him in a tux, sitting in a row of judges for some forgotten talent/beauty contest on some ever forgettable TV show, I have always delighted seeing him pop up like that Woody Allen character.

Most recent: The porn like "enhancement" ads for some viagra (?) wanna-bee product. Well, I don't remember the product, but I Do remember R.J.

I'm all for porn stars infiltrating the "major" media. The moral imperative is the same, so there's no "cross over" confusion ...

Kind of like ""Where's Waldo"" ...

Now these "pillars" of Interplay aspiring to the moral imperative of MONEY, have been leaving NO ROCK -not- TURNED OVER in the silly market'eering quest to tag every demographic with a dollar. Crossing over didn't work for them. Maybe they could have hired R.J. as a consultant and media presentation provocateur ... and let Chuck C.
work on the product and leave sales-spokeperson charisma to the "pro's".

Roshambo said:
Actually, the fourth, if you count Herve's original occupation as "Fifi the French Whore in Prague".

Herve might be a whore, but he's a well paid one. If you look at Interplay's latest filings he's pulling in two paychecks as CEO and acting CFO.

Combined, "Fifi" is making $400,000+ a year. :shock:
See, that's why I hate executives. Even when they are incompetent morons and destroyers of their own companies, they still make tons of money. And when their inept business policies backfire, progammers who are truly valiant and talented, who spend 20 hours a day busting their asses to get the project done, end up sacked. My blood boils when I realize that once I get my degree in Computer Science after five long, hard years of studying, I'll be working for some lazy, talentless slug who spent two years in a business school and has IQ lower than my shoe size.
Eragon2004 said:
Herve might be a whore, but he's a well paid one. If you look at Interplay's latest filings he's pulling in two paychecks as CEO and acting CFO.

Combined, "Fifi" is making $400,000+ a year. :shock:

As Ratty pointed out, the psychopath is making that money at the expense of others and in ways that guarantee that the only devs or buyers Interplay might attract at this point are the stupid and/or desperate.

Maybe if Fifi wasn't such an overpaid shithead, he might actually have one, maybe two game development companies worth anything. Instead, he's dry-humped them into the dirt.