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  1. K

    Caleb Cleveland's non-FOOL FOOL art

    Okay, so the legs bother me and I remember why:
  2. K

    Caleb Cleveland's non-FOOL FOOL art

    I'm really, really trying to not get excited about this game and then you go and show me this! I like his interpretations of power armor as well, his concepts are, thankfully, heavily tied to the 1950's. It's as if after he designed, he took a step back and asked if the style was appropriate...
  3. K

    The Art of Fallout, blown up

    I'd be interested enough to simply see their process and what decisions they've made through iterations. At the very worst, you can say "That's where they went wrong!!11!" I really liked Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar for what they had to say, but I admittedly didn't pay for it. If it's...
  4. K

    Fallout 3 Cosplay

    I dunno, I think it looks awesome. Aside that it's FO3's, I like the helmet and minigun. How long before Bethesda sends a C&D?
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    Continuum Submarine Mod

    Wow, I can see that fitting into fallout very well. Gives me the same a eerie feeling as I got from first finding The Glow. Great stuff!
  6. K

    Fallout 3 Editorials

    Not to bash Bethesda just to bash Bethesda, but I would argue that it is an avenue the designers didn't take into account. Though little in importance and possibly easily overcome (perhaps advancing time to the morning? I don't know, I haven't played it.) it's still something the designers could...
  7. K

    Hiroshima: The Lost Photographs

    Now I could be wrong, but I think the 2nd to last photo (the one with the feet traced) was where some one became vaporized (or burnt to death). I didn't catch that on the first read.
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    Hiroshima: The Lost Photographs

    I was looking around design observer and found this contextual to NMA:
  9. K

    Radiation and Half-Lifes

    I have a buddy in the Navy's nuke department, they have to go through a lot of training above and beyond what is required for reactor operation. (Histories of reactors, etc.) Come to think of it, I have another friend majoring in nuclear science. I should talk to these guys and make games or...
  10. K

    Massively on Fallout MMO, plus tidbits

    Strange, the link that takes me to the "high res" backgrounds is smaller in size than the one of the Fallout 3 site, which has less "logoage" as well. Unless I'm missing something?
  11. K

    Fallout 3 guide creation #7: the end

    Seeing that picture made my night.
  12. K

    Fallout 3 guide creation #5: Quests

    For a split second, the image only loaded from the bottom of the helmet and up from the BOS guy with the laser rifle. Which made me feel "Badass" about it.. until the rest of the armor was loaded. It's an old argument, but I still wanna see the "walking tank."
  13. K

    Fallout 3 guide creation #3: Training Chapter Overview

    Now that you mention it, that could be the player. I guess there might be a possibility to become a ghoul?
  14. K

    PC Action Germany reviews Fallout 3

    I think the conflict here is about what is achievable verses what is morally right and wrong. Bethesda knows they can make more money by manipulating and selling their product to a target audience they have already established with previous products, it's less work. They can legally spend...
  15. K

    Fallout 3 Review: Official Xbox Magazine

    Ya know, I'd like to play to see if it's any good, however, thus far I've only heard band news on top of bad news, not to mention the plot deviations will make my experience poor. So I have no reason to spend $50 on something I keep hearing bad news about just to take a gamble to see if I like...
  16. K

    Penny Arcade comics end, a contest begins

    I enjoy a lot of penny arcade's work, but these seemed very leased. No doubt contorting to Bethesda's marketing standards. You know that this puppet man will be referenced in the game, right?
  17. K

    Tim Cain appointed designer director of Carbine Studios

    Hey now, I think modern MMO's have skewed our opinions of what an MMO can actually do. I think in the right hands, a cleverly designed MMO can be an excellent role playing experience. I'm definitely not a fan of current MMO's, but I believe they're just breaching the surface of what can...
  18. K

    GameSpot Video Interview: Fallout 3's endgame

    The ship's workers can pour their hearts out in manning the ship, taking pride in all that they do. If the captain drives the ship to it's doom, who is to blame for its demise?
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    Crispy Gamer previews, part 3

    You know, I read this and put 2 + 2 together: I betcha your resemblance to good ol' dad plays a major role in the game.
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    GamesRadar - The Infinite Potential of Fallout 3

    The people of Fallout 3 should send their children to fight the bosses of the world because, unlike children, they can die. I really hope Megaton does have children, then we can scratch our heads on why it's okay to kill kids with an atomic bomb rather than with our own hands.