Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

Mane said:aenemic said:at this point I can definitely understand people having seen and heard all they need to pass judgement. but there still is a huge difference between only looking at videos/reading information and actually playing the game yourself. who knows, there might be parts of the game you will absolutely love that you had no idea was even there. not very likely with this game. but personally I will still have to play it myself to give final verdict.
I agree with you, but it also doesn't look all that compelling to play anymore and even give it that chance. I mean it doesn't exist in a vacuum and there are other things to do rather than drop 60$ on anything on the off chance it doesn't suck as much as you thought it would. There's not enough reason really to give it a final verdict.
Hell I never played the Witcher, but it's refered to enough might be a good pick-up now. Or given my support of Bioware I might pick up Jade Empire, which I skipped cause I wasn't a big fan of fighting games either, not my thing, but neither are shooters and I liked Mass Effect.
It seems more logical to pin my entertainment needs on a winner rather than an expected loser. I mean it's largely an individual thing and moot in general, I just think the general response of 'Give it a Chance' are largely pointless and false. I mean 'Why?' is a good response in return, you don't think I have anything else I could possibly do instead?
hell, you're spot on. I'm simply saying I'm going to give it a try before completely dismissing it. by now I understand if others do that without playing it, and I'm not gonna give anyone a hard time for that. I would a couple of months back, but not after recent information about the game. and their ever so disgusting pr machine.
I just wanted to point out that there's is indeed a difference between playing a game yourself and only looking at screens/vids/reviews. I can't name one single game where I felt like "this is exactly what I thought it'd be" after checking up on it before playing.