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  1. K

    More Fallout 3 Gameplay Footage

    That was a better run through this time. The beginning almost hinted that Bethesda made the original Fallout.. I hope the general gaming public comes to know that isn’t the case. The sounds and visuals borrowed from the original Fallouts bring back some memories. I have a feeling lock...
  2. K

    Fallout 3 E3 Site found - including new video material

    ...Why did vaultboy stick a fucking pen in his eye? I suppose that's forshadowing for signing up for their emails. I like the creepyness and feel of the website, but that's about it.
  3. K

    New Fallout 3 Teaser Trailer

    Seems that Bethesda didn't do so well in school. Imagine going back to your senior year in high school and telling your English teacher, "I'm writing the paper the way I want to, the way that I do it best." and turn in something like this and say, "My research was outdated, I wanted to make...
  4. K

    New Fallout 3 Teaser Trailer

    I think the typefaces chosen are appropriate for the time, but they're used in a boring way. You're right about the forms being poor and uncharacteristic, there's no jazz or fun involved. In the 1950's, a large amount of advertising was hand lettering (hand made, not a font), usually...
  5. K

    Australian classification verdict: It's all junk!

    What if I wanted to play the game as character that didn't take drugs? Oh wait, they already removed all my options.
  6. K

    Guy on blog: Diablo 3 vs Fallout 3

    The business side is above the creative. I can see the business side buying the Fallout IP and telling their team "Okay, we bought this, now lets take steps to make a FO4 popular for all gamers on all platforms." They don't want to improve Fallout, rather change it to be more interesting to more...
  7. K

    Guy on blog: Diablo 3 vs Fallout 3

    I totally believe Bethesda will make every effort possible to make this game popular and profitable for them, however I'm still holding on to the good gaming press going "Fallout Three? Come on guys..." I believe due to recently released info on Diablo 3 that there will be a lot of parallel...
  8. K

    RM Milner on Fallout fans again

    I really appreciate that Ryan M. Milner came in to clear up some things. Notice how everyone has calmed down worked everything out? This is something Bethesda should do, but they don't. That's half the tension, but it's not in Bethesda's interest to resolve it.
  9. K

    Guy on blog: Diablo 3 vs Fallout 3

    You know, that blog brings up a good point about not changing perspective and game play of an old game vs. Fallout. Too bad Blizzard didn’t release this information on April 1st and say Diablo 3 is going to be a FPS click fest. Imagine the positive feedback! :roll: The more I hear about...
  10. K

    RM Milner on Fallout fans again

    Just like designing or building something, people tend to make a set of ideas and rules to abide to. Many times, down the road, people find something that is in conflict with this original plan. At that point, there can be a choice between changing something or leaving it alone and keep...
  11. K

    A bit of propaganda

    Eh, they could have hired an illustrator to accomplish that poster problem a lot better. compared to the famous posters of the World Wars, this looks immature. Either draw it classically like the old war posters or more cartoonish like the Vault Boy, not some where confused in the middle...
  12. K

    History of open-world games

    The jet comment sounded like the PCZone guy was simply making a quick comment while being contextual with the fallout world. But since we're talking about hypotheticals, all it takes is a decent enough explanation in the game to say "Okay, this is canon." Jet trader: "Well, a few years...
  13. K

    Tribute to Fallout - scene 1

    I think this is great. The modeling and animation look like the 'old' 3D software they used when making the fallout CGI clips. Some of the human animation sucks now a days from the CGI movies in Fallout, so no problem there. I see no reason to complain about something a coder spent a lot of...
  14. K

    Last page for Vault 12

    Yeah, really quite sudden. I got it, but it coulda benefited from an additional page. It just needs a bit more narration from when Set runs from the miniguns and goes to the elevator to the downstairs. Though seeing the piles of people that tried to force their way into the 2nd Vault door was...
  15. K

    Mad Max: the Game announced

    Ah, I forgot about Stalker and Hellgate (and of course the others)... I wonder if after Bioshock and Fallout 3 that the '50's feel' takes off about as much as the post apoc feel is now. Eh, time will tell. Rage's teaser didn't exactly interest me, and I'm a long time fan of ID's stuff (I...
  16. K

    Mad Max: the Game announced

    So we have: Fallout 3 The new Wasteland Rage FOOL And now Mad Max, the game Post apoc fever in the near future?
  17. K

    OXM article excerpts

    Well, due to screenshots, children will be in the game. As to whether they appear outside the vault and in harms way is another thing. I'm sure the dialogue was simply limited in the conversation screenshot, as in there are only two choices to choose from in that branch of the conversation...
  18. K

    In reply to Emil

    Eh, thinking about the future is depressing. After Fallout 3 has been released, after the hype has died down, after the game has been marked down $20... We still end up right where we have been time and time again: Waiting for a proper sequel. If Fallout 3 is a commercial success or a total...
  19. K

    Emil Pagliarulo impromptu fan Q&A

    Yes, Oblivion seemed to be absent of descriptive text as well. What I’m saying is Fallout 1-2 had that element that goes beyond what we can see and hear with what we can smell, touch, taste. Maybe if Fallout 3 had a perk of 'Awareness' that would provide a deeper form of immersion through text...
  20. K

    Emil Pagliarulo impromptu fan Q&A

    Has anyone played Penumbra: Black Plague or its demo? That's a first person shooter that uses text descriptions to set its setting well. I felt much more immersed when I read the description of the room or the nasty mattress on the floor than just looking around and inspecting myself. I don't...