It appears that Gaming Target has stumbled across the unannounced Fallout 3 E3 website, entitled Prepare for the Future. It currently features new video material consisting mostly of short snippets of 50s-style video footage pertaining to the game, no gameplay footage, though. <blockquote>Bethesda Softworks' parent company, ZeniMax, has a new website up, an unannounced page for Bethesda's upcoming RPG Fallout 3. The page will almost certainly be announced when E3 starts this week (edit: where our very first appointment on Tuesday is to preview the game), but we bring you the skinny ahead of time.
We managed to find the website during our E3 digging and have confirmed - by doing a WHOIS check on the domain name - that it is registered to ZeniMax Media Inc. As if someone would go through this much trouble for a fake site.
Currently the site is pretty barren, with a place to input your email for future updates ($20 says emails go out on Monday!) and an amazing teaser video.
An interesting fun fact that caught my eye on the site is language selection bar. When one first enters the site you are asked which language to choose. One of the choices available is none other than AUS, or Australia. This is interesting because the game is currently banned downunder for its realistic depiction of drug usage. Perhaps Bethesda is working on an edited version for Australia?
Fallout 3 will be made available in Q4 2008 for PC, 360 and PS3. We will have more as it comes.</blockquote>
We managed to find the website during our E3 digging and have confirmed - by doing a WHOIS check on the domain name - that it is registered to ZeniMax Media Inc. As if someone would go through this much trouble for a fake site.
Currently the site is pretty barren, with a place to input your email for future updates ($20 says emails go out on Monday!) and an amazing teaser video.
An interesting fun fact that caught my eye on the site is language selection bar. When one first enters the site you are asked which language to choose. One of the choices available is none other than AUS, or Australia. This is interesting because the game is currently banned downunder for its realistic depiction of drug usage. Perhaps Bethesda is working on an edited version for Australia?
Fallout 3 will be made available in Q4 2008 for PC, 360 and PS3. We will have more as it comes.</blockquote>