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  1. Bubba Zanetti

    Your Favourite Enemies?

    Especially when she would spawn in narrow alleys or doorways so you had no choice but to disturb her.
  2. Bubba Zanetti

    Trump is winning

    Interesting take on Trump from a non-adherent:
  3. Bubba Zanetti

    Fallout Cultural Influences

    Hilariously enough, I thought I had already seen Damnation Alley when I was a kid. Much later I realized I had actually seen a New Zealand post-apocalyptic cheapie called Battletruck and got the two mixed up--both movies involve characters roving around the wastes in giant modes of...
  4. Bubba Zanetti

    IS Fallout New Vegas better than 4?

    Agreed. I also cut this Johnny-come-lately blob off right then and there-- not even twenty seconds in. I, on the other hand, can do without a summary of his fatuous ramblings.
  5. Bubba Zanetti

    What was the Funniest Argument You've had with a Bethesda Apologist?

    I also dig the options that allow you to fill in details regarding your Courier's past travels--you can tell Bruce Isaac you saw him at the Shark Club, inform Jed Masterson you've been to Utah before, or wonder aloud whether or not the Lonesome Drifter could be the son of a lady you banged in...
  6. Bubba Zanetti

    Nuka World: No Review Possible

    They had a ghoul kid walking around right as rain after being stuck in a fridge for 200 years, there was the whole DLC/mods debacle, and now fucking paddle balls and squirt guns are being passed off as weaponry. You would think this is rock bottom right here, and it couldn't possibly get any...
  7. Bubba Zanetti

    What was the Funniest Argument You've had with a Bethesda Apologist?

    Jesus. The one dude brings up valid, oft-repeated criticisms of the game and all this doofus can offer in response is invective and ad hominem. Of course he's right--we're all just a buncha leering contrarians. s/
  8. Bubba Zanetti

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    Yup, like Benny and his pawn Emily Ortal.
  9. Bubba Zanetti

    Nuka World: No Review Possible

    God forbid, don't give them any ideas! They'd probably give us some Maxie Zeus-style wastelander, strutting around in his bed sheets. Then after you do one quest for the guy he makes you god of Olympus.
  10. Bubba Zanetti

    Nuka World: No Review Possible

    Legion is funny because, as Millim pointed out, the members are still essentially raiders and tribals at heart. They really are a bunch of lolz rapists and killers just for the hell of it. Only difference is Caesar has refashioned this aggregate of thugs into instruments pointed away from his...
  11. Bubba Zanetti

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    It's a big if. Whenever I wrap up an independent New Vegas run, the words of General Oliver come back to haunt me: Do you know what you're doing? Making a nation - like you think you're doing, ain't like chowing down on a pile of Fancy Lad Snack Cakes. Think you got the guts to carve out a...
  12. Bubba Zanetti

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    Yes it does, it's the very definition of the term. If you have an example of a functioning society that has existed without some form of taxation, now is the time to share. At least under Caesar, you get to live in an environment that is purported to be the safest and most stable, more so...
  13. Bubba Zanetti

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    You're the one that referred to the "tribute" as a shakedown, which implies swindling or extortion. That's what a shakedown is. If you meant tribute, why didn't you just say so without the innuendo? Christ, man.
  14. Bubba Zanetti

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    @AradeshHanlon64 No shit Legion territory is behind NCR in terms of development, I never made such a ridiculous claim to the contrary in the first place. What I was addressing your original assertion that the Legion had zero infrastructure and relied solely on pillaging to support itself and...
  15. Bubba Zanetti

    Nuka World: No Review Possible

    Nah, man, you can add spikes, electric shocks, fire, even nitroglycerine to make enemies' heads pop! /s Jesus. This is what it has come to, huh? A fucking paddle ball...
  16. Bubba Zanetti

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    Yup. No, in context "productive" refers to all citizens, or subjects, or however the fuck one chooses to describe the non-military, non-slave population that live safe, productive lifestyles in Legion territory. In-game examples of these types of folks would be Goodsprings or Primm (sans...
  17. Bubba Zanetti

    Best Mad Max Film?

    Close. My avatar is actually my favorite character in the film--Bubba Zanetti, played by retired actor Geoff Parry. Hugh Keays-Byrne played Toe Cutter, the leader in the original, then went on to portray Immortan Joe in Fury Road.
  18. Bubba Zanetti

    The Enlave is stunningly incompetent and doesn't understand their own power.

    On Pre-Rec, they got Mike to play Don't Shit Your Pants. It's a start...