Your Favourite Enemies?

Prone Squanderer

A bit of a Sillius Soddus.
I've seen topics before asking people what their favourite characters are, which got me thinking up a similar question. What are some of your favourite enemies? I don't mean boss characters though, I'm talking more about the countless mooks one faces in some games. Reasons can be anything, from lore to gameplay.

Some of mine would be the Men/Women in Black from Deus Ex. Gameplay wise they aren't the toughest but they can take quite a bit of punishment. They aren't just there either, the game actually provides an explaination for their existance. To me though their odd appearance and strange voices are their most memorable traits.
Bioshock had some nice ones:
Big Daddies: Tragic characters just trying to protect others.
Little Sisters: Kill them to gain more power, or save them to keep your humanity.
Splicers: Their background story is fucking scary and their insane actions in combat makes them pretty memorable. It guarantees a player's emotional reaction.

A bunch of enemies from Borderlands 2, but especially the nomads who constantly call your character a "midget lover" and spew other hilarious one liners that most often have something to do with midgets.

A bunch of enemies from Borderlands 2, but especially the nomads who constantly call your character a "midget lover" and spew other hilarious one liners that most often have something to do with midgets.
There are a lot of funny enemies in Borderlands, even the generic Psychos/Bandits have their little things. They have more story behind them than Fo4's equivalent, actually.
Big Daddies: Tragic characters just trying to protect others.

Big Daddies are probably one of the best game enemies ever. Everything about them is great. They don't attack you on sight, but are intimidating as hell. If you do go up against them they can be pretty tough. And like you said, their reason for being as really tragic and adds something to them than simply being there for you to kill.
NEMESIS from Resident evil 3.
Lisa Trevor from Resident evil.

Big daddy from silent hill 2. The symbolism of this particular enemy is particularly fucked up.

Grey child- silent hill 1.

Bug daddy- bioshock.
Enemies from Silent Hill 2 (Pyramid Head etc.) simply because I like attempting to figure out what they represent.

Most targets from Hitman: Blood Money because of the variety of ways to kill them (accidents being my favourite).

Guards from Thief 1 and 2 (as @cordelionreaver points out).

And the Lingering Will from Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix with accompanying video:

The guards from the Thief series. They are just security guards doing their job and they have funny conversations with each other.

Those guys are great, especially the ones from Life of the Party. I always did my best to avoid them or at least knock em out.