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  1. Bubba Zanetti

    Best Mad Max Film?

    I give the edge to the original Mad Max due to its slow-burn tension and focus on characters, which I overall prefer. The raw intensity and adrenaline rush of Road Warrior is fucking awesome nonetheless. Thunderdome was decent, and I still haven't seen Fury Road yet so I cannot comment on it.
  2. Bubba Zanetti

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    Also... Not quite according to JE Sawyer: The general tone would have been what you would expect from life under a stable military dictatorship facing no internal resistance: the majority of people enjoy safe and productive lives (more than they had prior to the Legion's arrival) but have no...
  3. Bubba Zanetti

    best gun?

    I'm partial to the Medicine Stick, especially when used in conjunction with the Cowboy perk and SWC hand loads.
  4. Bubba Zanetti

    Fallout Cultural Influences

    Speaking of Dead Money, there's also the Cask of Amontillado reference--Sinclair's plan to trap the treacherous pair in the Sierra Madre's vault before he has a change of heart. In his taunt to Dean Domino he mentions the ill-fated Fortunato. The indoctrination method the Book Chute describes...
  5. Bubba Zanetti

    What kind of architecture do you think fits in Fallout.

    A mix of Art Deco/Moderne, Googie, and Futurism styles.
  6. Bubba Zanetti

    "Reasons Fallout 4 is the best Fallout game." A facepalm-worthy video.

    The cardboard cutouts of FO4 can't even compete with lesser NV NPCs like Ranger Ghost, Boxcars, Easy Pete, and Deputy Beagle, nevermind big shots like House or Joshua Graham.
  7. Bubba Zanetti

    Just a daily reminder everyone

    I figured it out when I discovered their headquarters all the way out in bumblefuck. Any hope of interacting with these clowns was forever dashed when the entire base showed up hostile... even their big cheese, Commander Jablonsky or whatever the hell his name was. All this on an evil karma...
  8. Bubba Zanetti

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    That was back in Shady Sands, the capital of the NCR. It stands to reason they're going to be better equipped with combat armor, auto-shotguns, Gauss rifles, etc. On the other hand, New Vegas takes place in an area far outside NCR's domain--the Mojave. They're also fielding thousands of...
  9. Bubba Zanetti

    Just a daily reminder everyone

    My sentiments exactly. Reminds me of Talon Company in FO3. Here's a semi-interesting merc faction that ends up serving no other purpose than "glorified raiders", much like the Gunners in FO4 apparently. You can't reason with them, can't join them, can't even hire them--they're permanently...
  10. Bubba Zanetti

    If you had to live in a Fallout game, where would you want to live?

    Goodsprings. I could take it easy there, just like Easy Pete, and live off of the water, Gecko steaks, and Trudy's moonshine.
  11. Bubba Zanetti

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    I too prefer the Legion, at least in the context of the post-post-apocalyptic setting. They're brutal but efficient, and have proven themselves able to adapt and overcome whatever challenges the wasteland throws at them. We get to see how flexible they are, switching tactics when necessary, for...
  12. Bubba Zanetti

    Weird things you do in your games...

    I always carry otherwise useless bits of misc. junk for purpose of character (butter knife, fork, metal spoon, and metal cooking pan for a mess kit, harmonica, pack of cigarettes, etc.). I also prefer to walk and take in the sights as opposed to running, unless of course I'm being chased or...
  13. Bubba Zanetti

    J.E. Sawyer still talks about Fallout: New Vegas

    According to Chris Avellone, he mentioned at some point that Benny--along with Victor and Vulpes--were intended to be companions at some point but the idea was scrapped early in development. If implemented, no doubt this would've been the perfect opportunity to showcase Benny's tribal attributes.
  14. Bubba Zanetti

    J.E. Sawyer still talks about Fallout: New Vegas

    Oh yeah, I really dig the idea of a secret alternate ending such as this. Maybe to head back east, you have to clear it with Centurion Aurelius before heading on thru Dry Wells?
  15. Bubba Zanetti

    Companion Likes/Dislikes make no sense

    Yeah, this clown is back on ignore. I say "back" because I strongly suspect we've gone thru this with him before.
  16. Bubba Zanetti

    J.E. Sawyer still talks about Fallout: New Vegas

    Mine couldn't care less about the feminist cause either, and certainly didn't concern herself with what the rank and file Legion thought of her though she ultimately earned their respect as well. Her only concern was serving Caesar to the best of her abilities, in a sense, stepping over the...
  17. Bubba Zanetti

    J.E. Sawyer still talks about Fallout: New Vegas

    Maybe so. I always use female characters. My Courier was a hardened individual who felt the Legion had the best shot of carving out a society that could survive in the wasteland--that was her main reason for joining up with Caesar. As for the supposed misogyny, her attitude was "better them...
  18. Bubba Zanetti

    J.E. Sawyer still talks about Fallout: New Vegas

    Agreed. Greek civilization, one of the greatest this world has seen, got its start conquering and assimilating lesser groups. America the beautiful was built upon bloodshed and the backs of slaves. Bottom line is, when it comes to forging a nation on this fucked up earth, someone is going to...
  19. Bubba Zanetti

    J.E. Sawyer still talks about Fallout: New Vegas

    Most definitely. Ragtag sensibilities, penchant for brutality, rigid belief systems, use of propaganda and terror as psy-ops, etc.
  20. Bubba Zanetti

    Why are so many people buying this game?

    I'll buy it... eventually, because it looks like a half decent adventure game and shooter with a few enjoyable distractions here and there, such as the settlement building, crafting, etc. I'm not going to get the same quality enjoyment or mileage out of it as I would the original Fallouts or...