"Fallout 4 adds to the lore"
That we wouldn't have need for mindless speculation if bethesda actually wouldn't make most generic raider groups that have little to no interaction with the player beyond shooting them and taunting them. But don't worry because it is okay since it is Bethesda does it and they do nothing wrong.
On a side note, I wonder how many youtubers with clickbaiting titles come out of the wood work every new bethesda game comes up. Jesus, I hate the way my hobby has become. Trendy hispter "news" gaming journalist that attack their own gaming base and people who try to game the hobby on the youtube/twitch ladder to desperately appeal to everyone to get money. Nevermind devlopers have got their heads up their own ass and release disappointing games that fail to deliver. I wonder how those single player microtransactions only in the game deus ex mankind divided debates are going too.. Probably apologist already screaming "Hey, Don't like it don't use it! They did nothing wrong here!" Fuck. This. World.