Just a daily reminder everyone


"Fallout 4 adds to the lore"

That we wouldn't have need for mindless speculation if bethesda actually wouldn't make most generic raider groups that have little to no interaction with the player beyond shooting them and taunting them. But don't worry because it is okay since it is Bethesda does it and they do nothing wrong.

On a side note, I wonder how many youtubers with clickbaiting titles come out of the wood work every new bethesda game comes up. Jesus, I hate the way my hobby has become. Trendy hispter "news" gaming journalist that attack their own gaming base and people who try to game the hobby on the youtube/twitch ladder to desperately appeal to everyone to get money. Nevermind devlopers have got their heads up their own ass and release disappointing games that fail to deliver. I wonder how those single player microtransactions only in the game deus ex mankind divided debates are going too.. Probably apologist already screaming "Hey, Don't like it don't use it! They did nothing wrong here!" Fuck. This. World.
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Everyone on this website thinks the exact same thing. Posting reaffirmation like this does just about nothing. Take this to /r/Fallout, or something. You're preaching to the choir.

That we wouldn't have need for mindless speculation if bethesda actually wouldn't make most generic raider groups that have little to no interaction with the player beyond shooting them and taunting them. But don't worry because it is okay since it is Bethesda does it and they do nothing wrong.

On a side note, I wonder how many youtubers with clickbaiting titles come out of the wood work every new bethesda game comes up. Jesus, I hate the way my hobby has become. Trendy hispter "news" gaming journalist that attack their own gaming base and people who try to game the hobby on the youtube/twitch ladder to desperately appeal to everyone to get money. Nevermind devlopers have got their heads up their own ass and release disappointing games that fail to deliver. I wonder how those single player microtransactions only in the game deus ex mankind divided debates are going too.. Probably apologist already screaming "Hey, Don't like it don't use it! They did nothing wrong here!" Fuck. This. World.

So is that video like some sort of wannabe shoddycast?

I also hate what gaming has become as my hobby. It makes me totally embarassed to share something in common with the mouth-frothing imbeciles that threaten reporters over games like No Man's Sky all because they are so easily duped by AAA marketing. It's cringe-inducing.

As for Deus Ex one guy on youtube put it best - "to you lot saying 'you don't have to use the microtransactions store': go **** yourselves you're ruining gaming"

Deus Ex looks like it's a good game but I might never find out because the amount of BS nickel and diming and DRM in that game has totally destroyed my interest in the game until it is around $10 and even then I'm not sure if I'd want it. It costs $90 for the full game and you still have microtransactions and denuvo. For $90 you could rent about 45 individual AAA videogames just a few years ago, play through all of them, and then return them. Also the new Deus Ex has a lame, shoehorned in multiplayer mode and that has become a sign that the game was developed by business people/marketing department rather than actual developers.

As for the Gunners: They're literally just a name that appears above the same NPC combatant that is copied over and over. All the "factions" just serve as a differently named character model for you to fight and loot. If you replaced "Gunners" with "Child of Atom" or any other faction, the game would still play exactly the same. All these clickbait videos are the same.
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You did this for likes.

Everyone on this website thinks the exact same thing. Posting reaffirmation like this does just about nothing. Take this to /r/Fallout, or something. You're preaching to the choir.

Agreed, you're just screaming into the echo chamber.
This is obviously just a neoFallout hatred safe space and it didn't exist before FO3 sucked ass, and nobody here has opinions that are similar for legitimate reasons.

It's just a big hatred circle jerk around here and we need 2 people to constantly tell us this so we don't forget it.

In case you could not tell, sarcasm was involved in this latest scream toward the echo chamber.
You did this for likes.

Everyone on this website thinks the exact same thing. Posting reaffirmation like this does just about nothing. Take this to /r/Fallout, or something. You're preaching to the choir.

lol, bruh. I was pissed off and thought of venting. Like it or don't i don't allow my life to be dictated by likes or dislikes of the masses. I won't lose any sleep because of a disagreement on a forum. However, if you have nothing of note to contribute refrain from continue posting. Thank you.

Agreed, you're just screaming into the echo chamber.

You see, I have no issues actually talking to anyone with opposing opinion. Just that if you do express dissenting opinions on pro-bethesda sites it is just going to get removed for "flame bait" waste of time, Feel free to disagree with me but you have plenty of stories from people here that tried to argue on their forums.
You see, I have no issues actually talking to anyone with opposing opinion. Just that if you do express dissenting opinions on pro-bethesda sites it is just going to get removed for "flame bait" waste of time, Feel free to disagree with me but you have plenty of stories from people here that tried to argue on their forums.
I'm fairly certain any comments that aren't extremely positive on there are deleted by moderators or by the posters themselves after receiving threats. Lots of people complaining about it with No Man's Sky, Fallout, all sorts of games. It's basically turned into a marketing tool rather than a discussion board.

The guy that detailed all the lies with No Man's Sky apparently deleted the post because of threats from other users, which gives you an idea about just how bad the problem is with mouth-frothing, rabid fanboys. Reporters can't even report negative news about videogames without getting threatened.
I'm fairly certain any comments that aren't extremely positive on there are deleted by moderators or by the posters themselves after receiving threats. Lots of people complaining about it with No Man's Sky, Fallout, all sorts of games. It's basically turned into a marketing tool rather than a discussion board.

The guy that detailed all the lies with No Man's Sky apparently deleted the post because of threats from other users, which gives you an idea about just how bad the problem is with mouth-frothing, rabid fanboys.

The gaming sec doesn't need more fanboys, it needs more critical thinkers. Que a second Renaissance i say! here! here!
>powered by radiant AI
The same shit "radiant AI" that bethesda uses apparently.

Good to know you got the joke.

You see, I have no issues actually talking to anyone with opposing opinion. Just that if you do express dissenting opinions on pro-bethesda sites it is just going to get removed for "flame bait" waste of time, Feel free to disagree with me but you have plenty of stories from people here that tried to argue on their forums.

It's not a fault of NMA itself; it's more the standard internet forum structure at this stage.
The forum's far more civilized on a lot of topics compared to other sites, but when it comes to the Bethesda Fallout titles it lacks the proper opposition.
The forum's far more civilized on a lot of topics compared to other sites, but when it comes to the Bethesda Fallout titles it lacks the proper opposition.
Perhaps the issue is that Fallout 4 is so stupid that anyone with half a brain can tell Fallout 4 and its DLC are lazy cash grabs and the game is a terrible Fallout RPG.

10 out of 10 people with at least half a brain agree: Fallout 4 is a terrible Fallout RPG.
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Fuck. This. World.

My sentiments exactly.

Bethesda is the king of wasted opportunities and ball-drops, the Gunners are a prime example of it. they're not really there for anything but as another flavor of Raiders, only more organized and better armed. there's no reason for them to be shooting at the SS and co., they're a mercenary company, why would they be killing potential customers? why are they wasting valuable ammunition on some random dude just crossing the street?

Reminds me of Talon Company in FO3. Here's a semi-interesting merc faction that ends up serving no other purpose than "glorified raiders", much like the Gunners in FO4 apparently. You can't reason with them, can't join them, can't even hire them--they're permanently hostile, even without Burke or Tenpenny's say-so, if your karma is too high. What fucking nonsense.

Worse yet, Beth doesn't seem to be learning anything from this and in fact is either stagnating, or worse--regressing.
lol, bruh. I was pissed off and thought of venting. Like it or don't i don't allow my life to be dictated by likes or dislikes of the masses. I won't lose any sleep because of a disagreement on a forum. However, if you have nothing of note to contribute refrain from continue posting. Thank you.

You see, I have no issues actually talking to anyone with opposing opinion. Just that if you do express dissenting opinions on pro-bethesda sites it is just going to get removed for "flame bait" waste of time, Feel free to disagree with me but you have plenty of stories from people here that tried to argue on their forums.

Yeah, that's nice.
It's not a fault of NMA itself; it's more the standard internet forum structure at this stage.
The forum's far more civilized on a lot of topics compared to other sites, but when it comes to the Bethesda Fallout titles it lacks the proper opposition.
The proper opposition doesn't happen because most people who come by to defend Fallout 4 are just fanboys who think they can impose their opinion and views about Fallout 4 over the others from this community.
They all usually leave when their "arguments" about how NMA are all old haters with nostalgia goggles that hate new games and "innovation" in gaming fails.
I think from all the people who defends Fallout 4 we had around here, probably two of them had some actually arguments and could keep a discussion about it. I don't know what happened to those members, but I assume they just got frustrated and go hangout in more pro-bethesda/fallout 4 communities.

I am all in favor of more people that enjoy Fallout 4 to be around and have proper discussions about gaming. But I am also glad we can come to NMA and talk about what is wrong with games and we will not be stoned to death or silence by virtual rocks thrown with the hatred of thousands of mindless drones. And yes, most are drones.
We have around some ex-drones that after growing up for a few years started to realise that the game(s) they thought were awesome and the best thing ever are just mediocre and have a lot of problems, by then they usually change sides. While I never saw anyone change sides to become a drone. :aiee:
My sentiments exactly.

Reminds me of Talon Company in FO3. Here's a semi-interesting merc faction that ends up serving no other purpose than "glorified raiders", much like the Gunners in FO4 apparently. You can't reason with them, can't join them, can't even hire them--they're permanently hostile, even without Burke or Tenpenny's say-so, if your karma is too high. What fucking nonsense.

Worse yet, Beth doesn't seem to be learning anything from this and in fact is either stagnating, or worse--regressing.

Thing is, there's bits and pieces that show that the player would have had more dealings with factions like the Gunners, yet everything was instead streamlined. The more I play the game and think about it, the more I'm convinced at some point things that were in development were scrapped, with the thinking that settlement building, radiant quests, collecting magazines/bobbleheads and a so-so MQ would be enough to merit a game, and anything missing could then be filled in with player made mods. Fallout 4's so skeletal feeling, with traces of quests that could have been deeper, only for them to end up so simplified.

"Just have the player shoot their way out and place a loot chest near the end, like we did in Skyrim. They liked that, right?"

That's more or less what I meant, yeah.

I remember watching the initial E3 presentation with a friend and noting how almost everything in it was made in a sort of 'modular' manner to allow easier modding, which raised an immediate red flag.

I'll shamefully admit that I mildly bought into the hype, but only insofar as believing it'd at least be as enjoyable as Fallout 3 - that is to say, decent if you don't think about it.

Considering they announced console support for mods from the very start, it's clear that their plan was to have the modding community create free content for them to attract and benefit an audience that didn't know any better.

I often equate games like FO4 to be to videogames what popcorn is to food; tasteless filler. I've played some 100+ hours on it, but it was simply a way to fill the time between now and the grave, not a meaningful or enjoyable experience. Much like WoW, it makes minimal effort to give barely enough stimulation to keep interest from flatlining, turning it into an experience that isn't so much roleplay as it is a day in the life of a person suffering from crippling ADHD.
You did this for likes.

Everyone on this website thinks the exact same thing. Posting reaffirmation like this does just about nothing. Take this to /r/Fallout, or something. You're preaching to the choir.
Or maybe everyone on this website wants to discuss potential criticisms with each other, and perhaps mention a take on things that hasn't been mentioned. Just because we mostly share similar opinions, doesn't mean that theirs no point posting new information and criticisms when they arise.
he forum's far more civilized on a lot of topics compared to other sites, but when it comes to the Bethesda Fallout titles it lacks the proper opposition.
If anyone here wants to come and present an opposing opinion, they are welcome. It's not our responsibility to make sure there's enough differing opinions on this forum.
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I also hate what gaming has become as my hobby.

I'll be honest, I don't even really consider gaming my hobby anymore. It's like I've finally crossed the "old man" threshold where it feels like nothing (in this industry) is made for me anymore.

I'm 25 years old...

The proper opposition doesn't happen because most people who come by to defend Fallout 4 are just fanboys who think they can impose their opinion and views about Fallout 4 over the others from this community.

The funny thing is that there are some good things about Fallout 4 and some arguments that can be made in it's defense. I've yet to see any of the few pro-Fallout 4 people that come here make use of them though. The best they've ever got is "You're just being a pedantic nitpicker" or "Take off the nostalgia goggles fgt lol" and, my all time favourite, "that's just your opinion, stop purporting it like it's fact". I'm just left here like yeah, okay, but how about you actually try and talk about the game though.

Reminds me of Talon Company in FO3. Here's a semi-interesting merc faction that ends up serving no other purpose than "glorified raiders", much like the Gunners in FO4 apparently. You can't reason with them, can't join them, can't even hire them--they're permanently hostile, even without Burke or Tenpenny's say-so, if your karma is too high. What fucking nonsense.

When I was playing Fallout 3, the Talon Company intrigued me and I remember spending a considerable amount of time searching out the story or quest that underpin them.

I was inexperienced then, ignorant in the ways of Bethesda. I eventually gave up, convinced that what I was looking for must be in the game somewhere and that I just lacked the wherewithal to find it. It would take several years and a chance visit to the Fallout Wiki for me to understand the truth.
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