Search results

  1. Bubba Zanetti

    Fallout 4's voiced protagonist

    Not that dissimilar from Hollywood really... they're all full of it basically. Courtenay Taylor probably doesn't know Fallout from Fall Guy, but she will promote the hell out of it and say nice things because she has to--she's under contract. Occasionally you'll see someone go "off script" in...
  2. Bubba Zanetti

    Why don't supermutants carry heavy weapons?

    The Super Mutants encountered at lower levels wield hunting rifles and those assault rifles based on the early H&K G3 designs. Once again, this defies both lore and common sense. As someone pointed out earlier, the original games indeed understood mutants were freaks of nature that had to rely...
  3. Bubba Zanetti

    Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

    Well, Beth did give us Fawkes and... Uncle Slappy, or whatever his name was. Still pales in comparison to the likes of Marcus and the Lieutenant.
  4. Bubba Zanetti

    What BoS division do you speculate is in Boston?

    Sad thing is even though all those ideas you threw out came off the top of your head just now, you still put more thought into the Outcasts than Beth did. Freakin' shame...
  5. Bubba Zanetti

    Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

    You said it. This is the culmination of five years worth of effort--same old clunky mechanics, boneheaded AI, and incorporating the latest fads (aping Mass Effect, Borderlands, Far Cry, etc.). Mediocre is as mediocre does. Oh yeah. Like Tabitha and her Black Mountain crew. They were...
  6. Bubba Zanetti

    Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

    Looks like more of the same old shit... just a bit shinier.
  7. Bubba Zanetti

    Supposed Spoilers from /v/

    "The Courier is not an amnesiac. Questions about the NCR, Legion, local goings on, etc. are present so the player does not stumble around without a clue. We can't assume any given player is familiar with these factions." -- J.E. Sawyer The Courier was merely unaware that his/her frequent...
  8. Bubba Zanetti

    Tumblr users drive girl to suicide attempt

    Yet another example of why I keep the human race at arm's length.
  9. Bubba Zanetti

    Do you think Fallout 3 is guilty pleasure?

    I played Fallout 3 once or twice and that was enough for me. As I've said before on here, it was an OK adventure game, but a major disappointment as an RPG and Fallout follow-up. New Vegas and the original Fallout though? Still playing 'em. I should get copy of Fallout 2 but then nothing will...
  10. Bubba Zanetti

    Are the NV BoS like the ones from FO1 and 2?

    Yeah, same as in New Vegas when they send you out on a so-called suicide mission to retrieve the components they needed, though at least Knight Lorenzo felt bad about sending folks to their deaths.
  11. Bubba Zanetti

    Popsicle or Android?

    Well in context, Hassknecht was referring to the big show stoppers that show up during the climaxes, hence why I erroneously assumed he was talking about Turd, or whatever his name is, who guards the bridge in Skyrim.
  12. Bubba Zanetti

    Popsicle or Android?

    Ah OK... Morrowind. Never played it, but I hear good things. Anyway, they clearly have an established track record of going back to the same well, hence why we're stuck with yet another vault dweller protagonist roaming the wastes looking for missing persons.
  13. Bubba Zanetti

    Popsicle or Android?

    Who was the giant humanoid in Skyrim? That Heimdall archetype guarding the bridge to Valhalla, or whatever it was called? Honestly I don't remember much about the game as I found it a chore to finish. Anyway, my vote goes to a popsicle protagonist as it seems to be the most likely given the...
  14. Bubba Zanetti

    Are the NV BoS like the ones from FO1 and 2?

    Ah, so they were outcasts then. Like I said, I never played Tactics so tanks for the info.
  15. Bubba Zanetti

    Are the NV BoS like the ones from FO1 and 2?

    The Brotherhood from FO1 were a little more open, but still had zero qualms about sending your character to his/her death. Love Cabbot's little snickering under his breath when you tell him you will accept the Glow mission, "Heh, you will? That's great!" Anyway, the stagnating and dying...
  16. Bubba Zanetti

    From E3 untill now, Can you honestly tell me what we know of Fallout 4 objectively?

    Yeah it's a lousy design... Walpknut's already nailed the reasons why. Camera angles won't help or worsen what is already a clearly shitty composition. In fact, it's so lazy and half-assed I have to wonder if this is even legit.
  17. Bubba Zanetti

    the hell?

    When it comes to dialogue, accents are the first thing most folks immediately think of but, as the Crack guy did mention, a voiced protagonist in an RPG is limiting in so many ways. What if I want to envision a character who is a slightly-annoying fast talker a la Tarantino? Or a quiet type who...
  18. Bubba Zanetti

    From E3 untill now, Can you honestly tell me what we know of Fallout 4 objectively?

    I missed a lot of the Skyrim hype as I was, uh, indisposed for much of 2011, though what little I do remember was mostly them hawking their copy and paste dungeon designs... and of course the dragons.
  19. Bubba Zanetti

    Let's Speculate Romance, Or atleast how it will be presented

    I imagine the whole dead wife angle will be similar to Demolition Man--there will be an adjustment period but eventually the PC will get over it and hook up with whoever, just as Stallone did with the Sandra Bullock character in the film.
  20. Bubba Zanetti

    From E3 untill now, Can you honestly tell me what we know of Fallout 4 objectively?

    GTA III did offer an optional top down camera view, most likely as a call back to the original games.