i will take sulik as example,
sulik gets one level for each 4 levels you level up
in 1.1 (and all fallout patches) sulik sometimes wont get a level when you get 4 levels, this is true for all NPCs
with the no random "effect" all NPCs will level up correctly
I saw walkthrough about killaps restoration a long ago,i done some research and cant find it so i asking if any one can post the link of this walkthorugh.
the walkthorough i mean is the one with new locations like EPA and Abbey.
Endurance 6 is a waste put down to 4 and give charisma and inteligence those 2 points
like this:
and i dont put S:4 because i dont want to waste a perk on it
and Onisuzume
yes the normal gives more DR increse
as far was i know there is no way to revert this (maybe killap can give a better aswer).
if i remember right renesco shop is in his inventory so just pump your steal skill with falche to "simulate" the effect
if all else fails, well you can send renesco to the big pharmacy in heavens :twisted:
to change the subject a little:
it may look i bit of nonsense question but someone know who was the idea of putting the word ''ABRE" as a password in EPA ?
it was killap or someone else?
note: i had this same question on the gameplay thead but no one aswer it in 3 days
and to...
i was far was i know it is always there or maybe you to be on a certain level for the power armor "spawn" at the shop
when i get to san fran i normally at level 18 and have done all quest from other towns
ps: nice GDI avatar but i prefer NOD
yes it does (at last the child thing)
i dunno if add the gore patch but if not just download it
and hi to all of you guys ( i haven't enter the foruns for a while)
good thing you found EPA c3p0 :clap:
i would like to point one thing: i dunno if was meant to be, but the password ABRE that open doors at EPA means open in portuguese