Where Is That Walkthrough


Still Mildly Glowing
I saw walkthrough about killaps restoration a long ago,i done some research and cant find it so i asking if any one can post the link of this walkthorugh.

the walkthorough i mean is the one with new locations like EPA and Abbey.
Yes, I'll admit I appreciate your walkthrough as well, Morticia. Hopefully, you're busy incorporating the latest RP 1.2 changes and bug-fixes into the documentation. :)
Thanks Slowhand. :)
The guide has been updated with as much as I know of. Missing still are:

* Kaga, diplomatic solution

* EPA, item changes

* Navarro, vertibird flying

* Rangers/Slaver's Camp quest details

* Special armor for Marcus/Dogmeat (I just read about)

So as soon as I find out more details they will be there. :)

I also added the guide to the Vault-Tec wiki pages, so anyone that finds something before I do is more than welcome to add it themselves. http://falloutmods.wikia.com/wiki/F2RP_Guide