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  1. B

    World War 1 game

    A lot of WW2 games dont play by the rule too, so if there was a FPS of WW1 you would probably go on the "CHARGE!!" and then have to do stuff (gather enemy inteligence), i can even imagine you attacking a trench with those weird contraptions that they call tanks. :mrgreen: But if someone ever...
  2. B

    Problems with party member VIC!

    sounds like probably dont have killaps patch you got the "Vic apathy" bug. i never had any prolonged gameplay with him in this state because i would always load my last savegame. if you really want to keep him, try this, leave your other party members elsewhere and knock Vic uncouscious, loot...
  3. B

    World War 1 game

    So i played and finished a game called Darkest of Days in which you travel through time and some levels are in World War 1, i just loved the WW1 setting, the trenches, old weaponry, and so on (there is even a level where you go aboard a zeppelin). anyway, what i ask you guys is that you know...
  4. B

    How Success Killed Duke Nukem

    awww, yeah i have expressed myself wrong,but cmon, you got the overall picture, name one exclusive FPS (without any RPG or whatever elements) major kickass and famous game for PC? upcoming ones of course dont count. the new wolfenstein game might be a good one (havent played yet) i...
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    How Success Killed Duke Nukem

    what i was saying is that COD is the only major kickass FPS we have. Gears of War isnt FPS (sorry when i said shooter i was talking about FPS) and i am also talking about games for PC that have good single player, so Halo doesnt count ( seriously, if you say Halo's single player is good, i...
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    What game was this?

    cant........see........pic :freak:
  7. B

    How Success Killed Duke Nukem

    of course its my Personal opinion, but Gears of War isnt FPS and it sucks, Halo is OVER HYPED and sucks too (worst storyline ever) now i already said Call of Duty and well, if you played the last Unreal Tournament you know it not as good as it was before. and i agree with SuAside, HL1 was the...
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    How Success Killed Duke Nukem

    i dunno about you but i think we (gamers as a whole) need a big kickass shooter game, if you think about it the only thing close to "kickass game" is the COD series, "where is out next Doom?" maybe Duke Nukem Forever will be our next Doom. ok i know my expectations are high (and yes i am a...
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    The First Fallout Expansion

    :rofl: no comment
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    How Success Killed Duke Nukem

    well i will add more than a very sad smile, this news makes me sad because duke nukem was and still is the best awesome shooter ever made (not even half life beats it) in my opinion, it bothers me bacause they make this game from scratch like 3 times, if look around youtube, there is Duke Nukem...
  11. B

    So in the end, did the Super Mutants add to anything?

    after my "Chinese Ramnants HUH?" topic, my conclusion is this: Bethesda: OMG THERE IS SUPAH MUTANTS IN FO1 AND FO2, LETS PUT THEM IN FO3 FOR THE SAKE OF EPICNESS AND AWESOMENESS, YEAH!!!!! this doesnt makes any sense, just like why mutants are STILL alive (and violent) despite being 200...
  12. B

    Talking Heads

    is it just me or the image link is broken?
  13. B

    Patching Fallout 2

    hmm... download Killaps Patch from it will fix all your problems, if you still have the 256 colors thing, but you resolution down to 800x600 it works in many old games (panzer general 2, Kingpin, etc) hope it helps
  14. B

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    Re: Hm.. WOAHHHHH.... THAT WAS LIKE, SOOOOO LONG AGO :lol: :P. (/sarcasm) oh shi.......... just noticed hes a troll -_-
  15. B

    What game was this?

    well, Marathon was released before Halo, of course, but i meant in the storyline Marathon takes place in 2700 or something and Halo 2300 or 2400 (not sure about both dates, but you get the picture). EDITED: marathon takes place in 2794 and i seriously cant find exact date for Halo, but it...
  16. B

    What game was this?

    oh and if anyone still has some doubt, its Abe's Exodus heh, funny you said that, because you know, all bungie games have a connection between them in a way, the supposed "timeline" is something like this first it was Myth then Pathways into Darkness then Halo series and then Marathon series...
  17. B

    What game was this?

    thats Gauntlet, now i dunno what version (Genesis?) and i see no one guessed Cold Zer0's game yet (i seriously dont know that game) hmm lemme see another game.... this one cmon guys, leave your answers with another game pic :D
  18. B

    What game was this?

    lol you gotta be kidding, Both Games are REALLY good, i prefer LBA2 because it doesnt have the stupid "I RAN INTO WALL AND BANG MAH HEAD" but really, what you didint like about LBA2? and heres another one: and no its not a wolfenstein 3d mod EDIT: sry didint noticed that no one...
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    Ratty counts down his favorite games

    PER, WE NEED YOU AGAIN!!!! :crazy: