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    Which is the best-looking Power Armor?

    you guys gotta be kidding :shock: , power armor sucks, LEATHER JACKET FTW!!! but anyway since i have to vote, i voted for advanced power armor (FO2)
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    I enjoyed Oblivion way more than Fallout 3

    Starseeker Said: i guess hes another one :roll: so i guess it makes you angry if people call you a troll? well i dunno about everyone here, but if retards laugh at me for no aparent reason, i dont care :P
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    so you went to the control panel, manage 3d settings, selected the fallout2.exe then put FORCE V-SYNC and click add? if you did that and it didint work then i am out of ideas
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    hah found a solution, if you use a nvidia VGA, you can force V-sync in the nvidia control panel
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    Should i buy fallout 3?

    then why the hell put them in the game anyway?, it doesnt make sence and destroys the fallout setting :rofl: lol good one
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    Three things I honestly don't get in Fallout 3.

    its marketing, Bethesda wanted to make console player give them money to continue playing after the main quest
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    I enjoyed Oblivion way more than Fallout 3

    "i'am sure that..." FAIL, i used tmm 1 cheat and went to every location on the map, and i could say that even 80% of them are dungeon crawlers thats YOUR opinion, so dont think "people" think like you, i for one got myself "involved" with FO1 and FO1 much more than with FO3 oh sure so i...
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    I enjoyed Oblivion way more than Fallout 3

    hehehe lemme add my opinion too: hmm no? unless you cheat and gave yourself huge amounts of AP you cant shoot and run, or you shoot or you run. also wrong, probably 75% of all locations of fallout 3 are mindless dungeon crawlers (which SUCKS) then why the %#¨@# they use first person...
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    now why would you need v-sync in fallout? unless you have a VERY crappy monitor you checked the options in sfall? if there is none i am afraid there is no way to do it
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    Fallout 1 Window Sizes?

    oh thats normal if use the high res patch
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    What if you dont take a perk when it says "take one&amp

    good to know, btw i was just messin with ya :P
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    Question about mods/editor

    just checked now, hes right looks like 3ddownloads has gone bust, this is definitly not a good thing :(
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    FALLOUT: A Post-Nuclear Role-Playing Game Restoration Mod

    WE NEED ARTISTS FOR THE BURROWZZ!!!!111 PLEASE!! :puppy-dog: on the serious side, it is really hard to mod fallout 1? as we have seen what modders have done to F2 btw i suck at modding in all aspects ( best "mod" i ever did was a skin for counter strike ) :?
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    Fallout 1 Window Sizes?

    time limit in fallout2???? HUH??? :crazy: as for fallout 1, you have 150 days to get the waterchip, dont worry its more that you actually need, after that there is no more time limit if you talking about the hardcoded 13 years limit, then yes sfall can help you with that, not that you...
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    What if you dont take a perk when it says "take one&amp

    FAIL :rofl: well, i dunno but i think if you take a look at your perks and then take buffout and look again you still wont be able to take the "new" perks, if you want that to work you must not look at the perk table, take buffout, and then look at them. if i am wrong then please kick...
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    Chinese Remnants HUH?

    again, that would be a much more interesting MAIN storyline (or at least major subquest) than the shitty one(s) we have now :(
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    Fallout 1 and 2 Windows 64?

    you are asking too much from windows vista, my friend :P but if you use sfall on F2 it will fix the cutscenes, i dont know about F1 my advice is : CHANGE TO WINXP OR WIN7 :shock:, but seriously, vista is not compatible with a lot of games (not just old ones) EDIT: forgot to tell ya...
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    Will Fallout 3 be remembered?

    probably we will be the only one that will remember it, as the black sheep of the series :?
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    Fallout 1 and 2 Windows 64?

    install them in that order and everything should be fine about fallout 1, well if you just want the patches you should install TeamX's patches and if you want Wasteland Ghost's restoration patch
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    Fallout 1 and 2 Windows 64?

    actually you dont even need the oficial patch :|, just RP 1.2 and Hi-Res patch