Still Mildly Glowing

Necropolis said:I believe Fallout 3 is better than Oblivion because of things like Random Encounters (which made wandering interesting and un-predictable), the more common hidden areas/easter eggs to be found in the Wastes, and the fact that almost every location was unique and had a backstory or theme to it such as a Raider Outpost or abandoned company building. In Oblivion each cave/fort/ruin was a copied and pasted hastily created bland enviroment which got repetitive very quickly. But there are many other reasons to like FO 3 more.
But apparently I'm one of the rare ones that both owns and enjoyed Fallout 1+2, 3, AND Oblivion. What I want to know is what would you guys have wanted Fallout 3 to be? You guys complain that all you have to do is run backwards in FO 3 while shooting until you kill the enemy, but the exact same thing can be done in Fallout 1 and 2, move back+shoot, repeat. Those of you who say the guns needed iron sights are totally wrong. The guns were designed to become more accurate with skill so iron sights wouldn't have worked. The bullets were never meant to take the same flight path because it's still an RPG, not a FPS. Others claim that you can shoot a enemy in the head and it won't die; exact same thing can happen in FO 1 and 2.
And as far as Fallout 3 being a JRPG: are you kidding man? The game has no trendy kids with spiky hair, the game is not LINEAR by any means AT ALL. If you think FO 3 is linear then I can only imagine what you think Fallout 1 and 2 were, where there was no Wasteland to openly roam; only travel across from city to city.
Fallout 1+2 had many flaws. I know I'm not the only one who noticed that your ability to survive in the beginning of the game was based purely on luck. You could either run into a molerat or 6 raiders with automatic weapons just traveling to your first town from the vault . Not cool, frustrating. Fallout 3 doesn't have that pacing issue. Fallout 3 was at least a completed game, Fallout 2 had to be completed by a fan who made a mod. Stop being so bitter guys Fallout 3 is a really good game, if you give it a chance with an open mind you'll find its an enjoyable experience with great graphics and many options for making a character however you want it to be. SORRY FOR THE LONG POST!
That post made me lol. I enjoyed F03 more than Oblivion, too, but that's not a compliment now is it? Did you really complete FO and Fo2 or did you just say that to give yourself some respect and credibility? Please do not compare FO3 combat with the previous games from the series as Failout battles provided absolutely no challange for the player even on very hard. "game is not LINEAR AT ALL" another sentence thad made me laugh hard. The game shows you exactly what direction you're supposed to go, what creature/person/alien(lol) kill, what computer/thing activate.
You're right Failout is nothing like jRPG. jRPGs sometimes bless us with interesting story and characters (rarely but it does happen, OK?) whereas FO3 dialogue and story suck balls. Don't even get me started on the crappy replayability of the product.
Running into Enclave Patrol or Frankie Horrigan in FO and FO2 was what made the wasteland feel dangerous and real. The fact that you point out "great graphics" is hopeless. Well what can I say, **3 fails both at being an FPS and RPG. The only things that make it partially bearable is some mods but you're screwed anyway if you completed the game without them because you'll be bored as hell the next time.