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  1. B

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

    one more thing bad to you c3p0 you will not be able to plant the seeds you find on EPA 'cause you allready see the 4 movie/dream other dumb question how i get inside the EPA (some mental power are blocking my mind) ? :crazy: ALSO MYRON IS THE BEST NPC EVER :mrgreen: :rofl: one minute...
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

    sry to say that c3p0, but you will have to restart because you dont get the traveler enconter with high outdoorsman skill (i have personal experience with this). and 1 question for you why you kill myron? i mean he is good for chems and all next time DONT KILL YOUR NPC :evil: other...
  3. B

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

    as for fasciana's question carlson is just there for assassination he don't do anything related to any quest (exept that he is part of one) :twisted:
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    about the skill dex bug so there is no back side (only that the button goes missing) ? also those crashes that Malek informed i think dont have anything to do with skill dex goes black bug. i have these bug and only have 5 holodiscs entrys on my pipboy of course killap will give the...
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

    thx for the replies both fasciana and laclongquan i was really want go to EPA :ok:
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

    i got a problem i cant make myron talk about EPA and i really want to hear about it any ideas? EDIT: ok i dunno if i dumb and cant find but where is the EPA? you need to talk to someone or its already there? for the guy with the laddie problem check if you got good karma because...
  7. B

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

    ok i finally can get to brother max thx for that and second i must be blind to not have seen brother paul right in middle of the first floor ( i guess those grey robes must be some kind of camouflage) BUT I FOUND YOU PAUL TAKE THAT :slap: :notworthy: THX Fasciana THX :notworthy:
  8. B

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

    ok first i have found how to get the good ending for gecko: after you rapair and optimize the power plant you must give gordon's disc to mac lure and finally you get the good eding for gecko now 2 more questions that are getting me MAD :crazy: HOW CAN I GET TO BROTHER MAX IN ABBEY?( i...
  9. B

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

    for your npc's use a skill you must have 2 things 1) don't stay close to the object you want to use 2) if your skill is hight that your npc your cant have to use it for example if your repair is 90% vic wont repair anymore because he's skill is 80% (i think) and please awswer my...
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

    ok i noob question: how can i get the good ending for gecko? and really i mean the good ending that is avaiable then you put killap patch/expansion thx in advance :wink:
  11. B

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    ok i starting to think that the toilet explosion error was just with me, anyways what happened to me was that when the game calculate the chances to my char receive a broken limb my game crash, as i said before installing the fix should rid it ps for killap bess is now supposed to stay...
  12. B

    restoration project for fallout 1

    hi this is my first topic (wow).i wold like to know if someone is currently making a mod/restoration project like killap did but to fallout 1 i think we all will like to play in vipers camp or go to the burrows
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    what mean is:the new installer got a bug in madoc (haven't tested other places yet) so what you must do is install the new exe then use the fixes (at least the Encounter rate fix/melee knockback fix/other engine glitches fix) so you wont have bug/errors thats it :ok:
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    at last from my experience yes (or else you will have madoc problems)
  15. B

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

    patey dont do anything in game (at last for me) he just ask for money and say "damm flick is dead" :D killap can aswer better than i of course
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    thx killap i should have taked your fix before(could have saved hours of instaling and unistaling fallout over and over again) anyways i make it work the hard way as described above
  17. B

    New Fallout 2 animations (sniper, wakizashi, etc)

    Really good job :clap: i think it will serve well for scoped hunting rifle and sniper rifle and any other weapon i forgetting now
  18. B

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    ok after tedious testing i found that if you install killap exp 1.1 from january you can bypass the toilet explosion error then after that you install the most recent killap exp 1.1 i hope this help anyone whith this problem :ok:
  19. B

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    ok iamb new to no mutants allowed but i going right to the point my game crash when i detonate the tnt under the toilet in madoc i have the most recent killap expansion v 1.1 any ideas? ps sorry for my english if was bad