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    Fallout Kombat 2

    Funny, Silencer why you don´t create an other one, with a glorius "Fatality" :)
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    Tesla Armor?
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    What are your favourite fictional characters?

    "The Rock" - Dwayne Johnson Anakin Skywalker - Star Wars Series Riddick - Chronicles Of Riddick Frank Castle - The Punisher Ting - Ong - Bak Xander Cage - Triple X Homer J. Simpson - The Simpsons :wink: Kane - Command & Conquer Series T - 800 - Terminator
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    What shoes do you wear?

    Hey the Fallout Shoes rocks pretty much! :) I´ve got this one: They´re from 2002, but still moving fast! Every time I walks with them, I feel 2 km/h faster! :lol:
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    @ ashmo... 1st: if you really means that you got no respect from germans who writte like me, you´re a moron... because not the "writting style" is important, the contents of a text is important! 2nd: I´m not a German, I life in Germany many years, and I´m glad about that! (if it´s...
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    Hello dear NMA team an NMA users, at 1st, sry 4 my bad english! ;-) Well, I was a new user, joined in the middle of october this year. In this very short time i met new and very nice peoples from SMT( In NEW threads and chat or PM. And this "DEAD"...