First time out of the vault

Yes, thinks sometimes. The WHOLE active Community has turned against Glowbewohner. This also has reasons. He has killed smt, nobody else.
Every admin does that? Really? Damn. I must've missed that memo.Projekt said:Instead of trying to calm the situation down or just ignore it like every admin does he began to flame.
Aides said:Somehow I got no respect to users that appraise (or judge) a post like a teacher would do!!! So please say something to the topic or stay away from the keyboard.
Ausir said:It might be typical in your posts, but it sure as hell isn't normal.
Sharcc said:@ ashmo...
1st: if you really means that you got no respect from germans who writte like me, you´re a moron... because not the "writting style" is important, the contents of a text is important!
Sharcc said:2nd: I´m not a German, I life in Germany many years, and I´m glad about that! (if it´s interessting for you: I came from Poland/Lublin)
Sharcc said:I use it here because it´s faster, I also never writte "rolling on the flor and laughing"... or I never writte *smile* I use this:![]()
Sharcc said:and I see no difference in it... but when an admin say to me "stop that!" ok... but your not an admin...
Sharcc said:Everyone got his/her own style... and I think, that this must be accepted... -.-
Sharcc said:5th: please don´t spam here, nobody is interessted if you respect
that "U, lol, 2" (...) PLEASE, go back TO topic!... <-----
Funny you should say that, because whenever I spot stupid acronyms and abbrevations in someone's post, I ignore the entire content and move on to reading something more legible.Sharcc said:1st: if you really means that you got no respect from germans who writte like me, you´re a moron... because not the "writting style" is important, the contents of a text is important!