The first settlement encountered in the first Fallout game was built after the fall and does not use scrap or existing structures for it's construction. Also, the people who live in the Sahara live near water sources. You are pretty much making Chromevod's argument for them.
Chromevod is right, if it was as inhospitable as all that, it'd be a mythic place a la The Glow. People would travel there, maybe some would make it back to tell stories, but no one would be trying to build a town there.
I made myself a vault that was originally supposed to be a 1:1 recreation of Vault 13, but limitations on space forced it to be more of an adaptation. I tried to stay true to Vault 13s design and prop layout, but some of it was extremely empty when drafted in 3D, so I added bits and bobs here...
I had a similar dilemma the first time that I saw this. It all can to light for me while I was rewatching old X-Files episodes and heard the unmistakable sound of "Fallout music." I started searching the net to see if Morgan had worked on X-Files at all and eventually found extensive notes and...
Yes indeed. Also, check out The Vault (I always recommend The Vault over the Fallout Wiki, as The Vault has more in depth info and the Fallout Wiki copied the entire site when it started out) pages for the songs, they have some info as well.
Randall Dean Clark
His story is completely amazing, full of heartbreak and melancholy. Reading his journals feels like looking into the mind of an actual person. His choices and motivations felt authentic and his heroism was understated. Everything about his story felt appropriate while being...
I just want to take a second to mention how sad it is that Goodneighbor has been repeatedly name-checked as a 'large settlement' in Fallout 4. That place was tiny and fairly worthless.
Whether or not Harold was a ghoul has been an ongoing debate for as long as I can remember. Whatever Harold is, ghoul or not, he is a special case and not the norm. As such, Harold should never be used as the model for ghoulism.
That is a pretty valid criticism. Fo1 and 2 were very sly on things and let you fail fairly easily, but NV seemed more risk averse in that department.
I figured it was probably a mistake, but there was the off chance that you were leaving it out for a specific reason. Cheers!
To add to what's being said, deployed units get first priority on equipment and manpower. The closer to the fighting, the larger the budget and equipment priority, so units within the US would be the last units to get cutting edge equipment. You could expect units closer to Alaska and China to...
Yeah. I picked up Medicine Stick with like a 90 in guns and it was wobbling all around, which I thought was weird until I noticed it has a 100 guns requirement.
I only play on hardcore mode and I always carry the MF Hyperbreeder Alpha; it's a beast and perfect for dealing with low/mid tier baddies or knocking out pretty much anything this side of a deathclaw with a surprise attack critical barrage all without needing any ammo. Medicine Stick is pretty...
His name in Josh Sawyer; Tom Sawyer is a literary figure. Taking into account that he said his little hint has nothing to do with Fallout, the smaller size of Obsidian, and how busy they are with other projects, I would not hold out hope for an Obsidian Fallout game anytime in the foreseeable...