Some info for you, ofc. without considering Beth stuff as canon:
Also, look at Wattz 1000 description:
Probably military was using some non-civilian version of Wattz 1000 laser pistol.
Wattz 2000 laser rifle and Winchester P94* were standard issue for soldiers for sure. (Future Weapons Today)
*(plasma caster by 2077 was slowly becoming outdated, that's why REPCONN was working on new better one)
(Urban rifle is just beth creation, and it was in testing phase pre-war so wasn't used at all by military).
Also, gatling lasers:
Plasma and pulse grenades/mines.
Combat shotguns probably from old Fallouts (Winchester City-Killer, H&K CAWS and Pancor Jackhammer) but it's hard to say which one was most popular, probably all of them were rare to use against Chinese.
About armours, its damn easy.
For the masses: Second generation of combat armours (with third generation for some units)
For the front units: Power Armours
And the only question is about Gauss Rifles, but I doubt USA has plenty of them so they can be omitted. Seems like ALL of them in post-war wasteland was coming form Enclave (or their outposts or magazines). (in Fallout 2 there was one pistol in Mariposa from post-Enclave hands and one rifle in the hands of Karl in NCR, but it's hard to say from what source they got it.)
However, considering it was german design and Chinese created gauss minigun, IMHO gauss was mass used (or at least, mass used in comparision to USA) by chinese troops, especially that they needed it to pierce PA. (and Gobi campaign rifle just confirms that USA snipers weren't using it)