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  1. Jubal Quintus

    The Sino-American War: A Matter of Months Or Years?

    Unarmored infantry would suffer from the concussive blast within a small radius, sure. To my mind, though, power armor would negate that completely.
  2. Jubal Quintus

    The Sino-American War: A Matter of Months Or Years?

    High Explosive vs power armor would likely require a direct hit or a very near miss. HE rounds rely on fragmentation to kill infantry and as we've discussed, fragmentation would be easily negated by powered armor.
  3. Jubal Quintus

    The Sino-American War: A Matter of Months Or Years?

    I agree but at the same time a T-55 main cannon is never going to hit a moving man-sized target that is firing back at it with AT weapons and if it does manage to land a shell on one guy the other 43 are going to toast the tank in the process.
  4. Jubal Quintus

    The Sino-American War: A Matter of Months Or Years?

    I have no doubt that depleted uranium would go through power armor as easily as it does modern battle tanks, but we get back to the issue of hitting a moving man-sized target with a cannon. More likely you'd want large caliber crew served weapons with AT or even HEAT rounds (.50cal or 20mm...
  5. Jubal Quintus

    Would you have supported renaming the Brahim if ..

    I am astounded that this thread has gone on this long. It is apparent to any Fallout fan that brahmin were named after the brahma type cattle. Considering that Shady Sands was founded by the multi-ethnic peoples of Vault 15, it's likely that some of them influenced the naming of the mutated...
  6. Jubal Quintus

    The Sino-American War: A Matter of Months Or Years?

    But also it's very hard to hit a man sized target with a tank cannon. Tanks are faster in a drag race, but the power armored trooper would be more agile while also wielding anti-tank weaponry. A tank would be loath to go toe to toe with something like that.
  7. Jubal Quintus

    Your thoughts on Dogmeat

    You can find all of the spoilers for Fallout 3 in Fallout 1 and 2.
  8. Jubal Quintus

    Left-wing Bias in Bethesda's Fallout Products

    So, being anti-slavery is a liberal agenda? If that is true, and from the main post it seems to be, then the inverse is that the right is pro slavery. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that in the rush to find ERMEGERD LIEBERALS in everything, critical thought and an open mind were checked at...
  9. Jubal Quintus

    Power Armour changes.

    World-building is a real drag, they like to let their writers have fun!
  10. Jubal Quintus

    Goodsprings is a real place, apparently

    I love that fan tour! I saw that a while back and it inspired me to add a few Fallout stops to a cross country trip my wife and I are planning. I would love to see the notes Sawyer took from his trip; I might ask if he'd share them on his tumblr.
  11. Jubal Quintus

    Power Armour changes.

    I feel that we can say, to a certainty, that this is exactly how it happened. I firmly believe that each and every game by Beth will feature "newer and better" things with little to no regard for lore.
  12. Jubal Quintus

    Power Armour changes.

    Well, isn't this a pickle? Now we have to decide which game is more canon, Fallout Shelter or Fallout 4.
  13. Jubal Quintus

    Goodsprings is a real place, apparently

    As I recall it, Sawyer took a motorcycle tour of the area, camping out and making his way around the Mojave. He took a ton of pictures for the team to use as reference and that is how they shaped the area. I haven't been able to find much info about it anymore, so I can't provide links but I...
  14. Jubal Quintus

    If Fallout 4 had actual proper alternate endings.

    Well considering that here, in this day and age, there is a fairly sizable group of the US American voting public that would like to go back to the gold standard, I don't find it that big of a stretch. As for the precious resource that was backing the cap, it was water. In a desert that's a...
  15. Jubal Quintus

    Should I buy Wasteland 2?

    I'm enjoying it a lot. I'd recommend jumping into the Director's Cut for the improved engine and the perks and traits.
  16. Jubal Quintus

    If Fallout 4 had actual proper alternate endings.

    The cap in Fallout 1 was only an accepted form of currency because it was backed by the Water Merchants in The Hub. This ties it to the core region and makes it worthless outside of the influence of the Water Merchants, which is why it was gone in Fallout 2 as the NCR expanded and circulated...
  17. Jubal Quintus

    Fallout 4 does not make sense

    I agree with you 100%. I don't want Obsidian to be in the position of having to let anymore of their talent go due to contract snafus. We'll always have New Vegas to go alongside Fallout 1 and 2 and while I'd love a new Fallout game, rather than a game inspired by Fallout like we're getting...
  18. Jubal Quintus

    Fallout 4 does not make sense

    Sawyer was showing off some things on Twitter/Instagram hinting at a future project, when people pressed whether it was a Fallout game he flat denied it. While that doesn't shut the door on an Obsidian developed Fallout completely, given how much work they are putting into the development of...
  19. Jubal Quintus

    My Own Theory About Why F4 Is The Way It Is

    I think Fallout 4 is the way that it is because they are transitioning the franchise to become an MMO. Radiant quests, endlessly respawning enemies, "legendary" enemies that drop special loot, and a thin story that barely connects the dots. It feels like an MMO already, it merely lacks the...