The Swiftness of the Ranger

Primm's an actual place too, so is Sloan, but not Novac (yes, I knew it meant No Vacancy, but I hoped there was a real motel there). But if you didn't know Boulder City was already a real place...

This is an amazing level of attention to detail I missed. Apparently locations were actually studied pretty well, to even the most obscure of real-life places to the side of random highways.
Pretty cool. Hell, I don't know how much work they actually put into this, but any developer even willing to take a couple of hours at Google Maps to make sure the real-life region is spot on is a good developer.
Heavily assuming that's not all Obsidian did though.
Feels very opposed to Bethesda's approach of dotting settlements around landmarks as to make them easy to compare. That's cool too, but pulling off subtle influences like this creates a better feeling of alternate history, that's for sure.