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  1. C

    Would you like to see a new game in the planescape setting?

    There was the Planar Handbook for 3rd edition, but it only gave some nods to Planescape. It wasn't a full-fledged setting. ..Besides, it can hardly be called Planescape if it's not full of DiTerlizzi's art!
  2. C

    Would you like to see a new game in the planescape setting?

    Just a correction to Brother None's post -- Planescape didn't even make it to 3rd edition. It was discontinued near the end of 2nd edition's reign at 1998.
  3. C

    Security appears outside of Infinity Ward offices

    Water down the franchise? We're talking about CoD, here.
  4. C

    What game was this?

    That would be Strife.
  5. C

    PC Games preview scans

    I get nothing but blank pages when I click these links.
  6. C

    Is Brian Fargo working for Bethesda too?

    I believe Todd worked as a designer on Daggerfall as well.
  7. C

    OXM responds to the Fallout community

    Ultima VIII inventory system? *dodges rocks*
  8. C

    PC Gamer gets Fallout: New Vegas world exclusive!

    The world of Fallout may be based in the 1950s, but that doesn't mean the world remained in stasis until 2077. That things in the "Fallout Future" may have coincided with real events isn't out of the question at all, especially not when it comes to landmarks.
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    Interview with J.E. Sawyer on Xbox Live

    Sounds good, except for the dehydration meter, which sounds terrible. Mask of the Betrayer, anyone? Ugh.
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    I believe that's the idea... The child's clothing does look a bit like latex as well, though.
  11. C

    Fallout game set in a different country.

    Is no one getting a little tired of post-apocalyptic games based in eastern Europe by now? I'd be much more interested to see a western Europe or Middle East based one.
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    Stuck w/ Angela Bishop

    I'm fairly sure you can talk him into hiring you for a job in that instance, but it may be reliant on your Speech skill...
  13. C

    1950s Europe?

    Given the state of Europe in the 50s combined with what we know of Fallout canon, I also lean towards the idea that the whole place simply collapsed and fell prey to violent ideologies much like it did in the 30s. It would be a much darker place, I think, than the US - but there's no telling...
  14. C

    Verizon blocks 4chan.

    They did their customers a favor :p
  15. C

    Fallout: New Vegas PC Gamer preview scans

    Actually, New Reno is about as unfallouty as it gets -- and even it's designer, Chris Avellone (who now works on New Vegas) admitted to that. Then again, this has more to do with it's premise than that it has power sources.
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    New Vegas details

    The Crimson Caravans seem to be back in F:NV, according to the PC article... unless that's just a similarly named establishment they were refering to.
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    New Vegas details

    I couldn't help but laugh upon seeing that screenshot. Man oh man. Fallout 3 mod it is, and an awkward looking one at that.
  18. C

    New Vegas details

    The whole "No repercussions for failing Speech checks" thing reminds me a lot of the Bethesda philosophy presented (and supposedly enforced) in the Doug Godall interview from way back when...
  19. C

    What game was this?

    Oh man, I remember this game but for the life of me cannot remember it's name. Blade-something? It was a lot of fun.
  20. C

    Fallout: New Vegas magazine blitz detailed

    I'm not impressed with this "Hardcore mode", which is nothing but a set of features that should be a default part of any game to begin with - with the exception of having to drink water, which by itself strikes me as pretty lame. I still cringe when I think about the Soul Meter they did in Mask...