Would you like to see a new game in the planescape setting?


Stormtrooper oTO
I talked to Chris at Obsidian and Schumacher at Bioware, just to find out where the IP is atm, I know Bioware was not involved in it but they picked up some from BIS when it went extinct so I just assumed they might know. Seems like Interplay is sitting on the IP of Torment and that the campaign setting has gone extinct. So the hopes of seeing anything official in that setting is rather slim. But, would YOU like to see a new Planescape game? Not a sequel, just a new game in the setting.
It's not slim, it's just not possible right now. D&D's electronic gaming rights are currently being strangled between Atari and Hasbro, but the fact is that nobody is going to license a game made in a discontinued setting. Hasbro/Atari will only license 4th edition titles, not discontinued 3rd edition campaigns. So until Planescape makes the leap to 4th, it's all fantasies, even if anyone was looking to license D&D right now.

Torment and Interplay are not a problem; Interplay's rights to Torment are meaningless, as hopefully no one would make a direct sequel to the game anyway.

I asked this question of MCA and McComb ages ago:
RPGWatch: Do you feel it would be a good idea to make a sequel to PS:T? If so, how do you envision it? If not, how about another game in the Planescape setting?

Chris Avellone: A long time ago, I did kick around the idea of two sequels. One was "Lost Souls," an adventure that allowed the player to experience the events surrounding Torment (both past and future) but the Nameless One wouldn't be in it - it would, however, feature Deionarra, some of the members of the player's first party (Xachariah), Fall-From-Grace, Ravel, Trias, and other major characters and see the Planescape universe from a different perspective. This didn't go much beyond a one-page vision statement, though, and I never submitted it for serious consideration.

One I felt less strongly about (but still liked) was "Planescape: Pariah", which allowed the player to take on the role of Dak'kon and try to unify the githzerai and githyanki, but again, that never went past the vision doc stage.

The reason I never submitted either one was because a direct sequel somehow feels wrong (I feel the game stands on its own, and I don't want to drag a rake through the first game).

I'd be up for another game in the Planescape setting, though. Some of the Planescape mods I've seen for Neverwinter Nights 2 would probably put any ideas I had to shame, though - they're pretty amazing. I know there’s a few guys at work who would also like to do a Planescape game.

Colin McComb: I have mixed feelings about it. I thought Chris did an excellent job in ensuring the loose ends were tied off neatly, but at the same time, he didn't kill off all the NPCs. They were so richly imagined and so involved in great events that it's hard to imagine them just saying, "Well, that's enough excitement for THIS life," and then going and settling down by a nice little fire made up of the souls of damned petitioners. I would especially like to see more done with Dak'kon, and I'd like to see more of Morte, and I'd like to see more of Annah, if only so I could go to the recording studio when Sheena Easton came in again, because she was hilarious.
So a direct sequel? Not so much. Another game in the Planescape setting, one that references Torment and ties a few characters in without making them the centerpieces of the game, absolutely.

I basically agree with them. Direct sequel is a bad idea. I'd think another game in the setting is fine, only people might expect it to be another Torment, and in today's industry that's as good as impossible.
Personally, I would leave it as it is, a nearly perfect game. A new game in the setting would only destroy the stance for me. But I can understand why people want more of this. ;)
I'm not talking about a sequel. I'm talking about exploring the setting more. Not through P&P, but through a computer game. It could just as easily be a 3rd person action game à la Tomb Raider or Hitman. It's about reviving the setting and not the game.

Also, thank you Kharn.
Yeah, that's what I meant too. ;)
It's like when you read a book and see the movie a few weeks/months later. You imagined your version of the world when reading the book, then you see it in the movie, it looks completely different then you imagined and then you're pissed (or pleased, when it fits your imagination).

Now PS:T was an isometric game, you could only look on it from one perspective. If they would do a new game, I'd bet that it will be 3d. The same bugged me with FO1/2 to FO3 - all of a sudden it's 3d and it doesn't even look like how I imagined the wasteland.

But expanding the story etc. would be ok for me (maybe in novels or so)
Surf Solar said:
Now PS:T was an isometric game, you could only look on it from one perspective. If they would do a new game, I'd bet that it will be 3d. The same bugged me with FO1/2 to FO3 - all of a sudden it's 3d and it doesn't even look like how I imagined the wasteland.
What is wrong with 3D? Really? Van Buren was going to be 3D, I didn't see any problem there. The main thing about Fallout 3 is the first-person perspective, not the fact that it's in 3D.
It's just a matter of taste. ;)
There are only a few games where I find 3D good placed. I just love the look of 2D graphic, good drawed and animated. They are timeless, where 3D graphics are in generations, in a few years we will laugh about the look of todays 3D graphics, while the overall design of fallout e.g is still beautiful.
Torment was one of the best classics I've ever played. Let it be. However, another game set in the planes would be totally awesome and wicked. Why should D&D crpgs be limited to the Prime Material (for the most part)? Having a game set entirely in the planes would give developers alot more breathing room for their creativity. Also, I really liked the slang, I found it added depth and creativity missing from alot of games I've played. But that's just my opinion... :D

Surf Solar said:
3D graphics are in generations, in a few years we will laugh about the look of todays 3D graphics.

Good point... Just like FF7... lol
Dragula said:
I'm not talking about a sequel. I'm talking about exploring the setting more.

Brother None said:
I'd think another game in the setting is fine, only people might expect it to be another Torment, and in today's industry that's as good as impossible.

I think it would go pretty much like Brother None said there. After so many years and in todays industry, I think your wishes (and high hopes) would be answered with something that would be full of things you'd immediately want to retcon and pretend didn't happen (it's painful to have to rationalize something with 'well, it's on the EAST coast I suppose, things are wayyyy different and simpler over there'). Even if it was made by some of the original fellas, they'd likely have to make a game that suits the state of games today.

Ala Fallout 3.
I'm not waiting for anything good to come from today mainstream RPG industry, so, no I wouldn't like to see a sequel to Torment to be made. The same thing would happen as it did with Fallout 3.
To me it's like waiting for a hollywood super-producer to make an interesting author film. Won't happen.

Industry has mutated, and the big names of the past aren't affordable for small teams.

Therefore I'm waiting for independant game developpers to create their own interesting settings.
Would I like to see a game in PS universe? Sure.
Developed by any of the current devs? No fucking way.
As a sequel to Torment? No motherfucking way.
I would rather see a current gen Ravenloft or Dark Sun setting.

My two favorite D&D campaign settings, Forgotten Realms is so over rated.
Considering that Planescape has been folded into the default 4th ed universe, I doubt we'll ever see a "Planescape" game... same goes with Ravenloft.

Although, Dark Sun is rumoured to be announced as the new setting for 4th Ed this year!
rcorporon said:
Although, Dark Sun is rumoured to be announced as the new setting for 4th Ed this year!


I don't play D&D anymore, mostly due to my group from HS being all over the world due to military/college. I have a very large amount of Dark Sun campaign material I still get out and fiddle with sometimes though, I love that setting.
Just a correction to Brother None's post -- Planescape didn't even make it to 3rd edition. It was discontinued near the end of 2nd edition's reign at 1998.
^ There was a crappy PS expansion book for 3ed, iirc.

FR isn't overrated, it's just been getting old. Time to move on, or maybe bring back the classics. Sth like Greyhawk'd be awesome.

are there any hopes in general to see eventualy one day new D&D games happen on the PC ?

I dunno, the NWN franchise has future. Not that I like it much. Although considering how BW butchered the DA:O system, I'd say the chances have been steadily decreasing.
There was the Planar Handbook for 3rd edition, but it only gave some nods to Planescape. It wasn't a full-fledged setting.

..Besides, it can hardly be called Planescape if it's not full of DiTerlizzi's art!
I know I will probably get flamed for saying this just because of Torment, but I really hated PlaneScape as a D&D setting. Not nearly as much as I despise SpellJammer (lets not even go there). But there was just something about it that was off for me.

I would not mind if they never went back to that particular campaign setting.

Dark Sun should be popular around these parts, very Dying Earth/Post Apocish feel to it.