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  1. Violator

    Power armors suck for game balance

    Well that's what I'm saying too. The only armors in the game that I use are leather jacket (stripped from Sulik), combat leather jacket (thou my current char had to "cheat" there a bit so I could get it) and Bridgekeepers Robes (if I get them; but fortunately enough in this playthrough my first...
  2. Violator

    The Escapist: Junktown Dog

    Tell me please that this is a joke. The perk part. It's a joke, right? Not a funny one, but it's a joke. Is it? Please? ... I can't believe how fucking retarded and ignorant Bethesda can actually be...Each time I think that "that's it, they can't sink any lower than that" they prove me...
  3. Violator

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Nuclear apocalypse? Yes, please/10
  4. Violator

    Power armors suck for game balance

    You don't like challenges do you? :|
  5. Violator

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    This one looks like if Q got decapitated 8/10 :D Who's head is that?
  6. Violator

    The Escapist: Junktown Dog

    Be it Dogmeat, Pariah's Dog, K9's, Smoke, Laddy, Klamath Dog or even Lucky (from FOT) and Worthless Mutt (from Arcanum), I always had sympathies for the human's best friend in my playthroughs (even the evil ones). It always gives me that "madmaxish" feeling for which I crave so much while I'm...
  7. Violator

    World of a movie.

    Nah, it would be way better IMHO if they gave the right for filming to Uwe Boll :mrgreen: now that's a filmmaker that I can respect :salute:
  8. Violator

    How to make a good hamburger?

    I.just.found.out.about.this.: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: I mean W.T.F.?!?!?!?!? This is hilariously insane :mrgreen: Is this a joke or is it for real? Has anyone of you...
  9. Violator

    Lovecraft-esque blob found in North Carolina sewer

    Mad out of shit as it seems. But I guess that's the best possible camouflage they could think of in such environment. At least we know they're not fastidious :p
  10. Violator

    One Trillion People?

    Unlikely now. In a 100 years? Much more likely. Especially for the fact that the Moon itself is a real "treasure planet" full of useful resources and minerals. As long as you can make some money out of something, no matter where that place is, no doubt that humans will swarm there eventually...
  11. Violator

    NMA Fantasy Football

    wtf is this fantasy football? How do you play it? And how one can participate in? :question:
  12. Violator


    well...the similarity is astounding...except for the rat :D If it was a guess then it's fucking brilliant. Once again I must say, great art there patriot. And can't wait for the "outworlder scum" pic, bet it's gonna look great. What about my wasteland idea? Got scrapped? Or you're not even...
  13. Violator

    False rape allegations get you 2 years in prison

    Justice is served! 1 case down, infinity more to go(o)...They're so gonna make a movie out of this in 5-10 years time :p
  14. Violator


    If twinkie is anything similar to that in RL, than I must say I'm quite amazed. When is the "Die outworlder scum!" pic coming up?
  15. Violator

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Night vision is cool but thermovision is better 7/10
  16. Violator

    How to make a good hamburger?

    But the pic you posted is a general example how hamburgers from fast food restaurants look. That's why I assumed you were all up for them and started defending homemade food...otherwise I have nothing against homemade burgers, sure as hell they are better than anything one can buy on the street...
  17. Violator

    FOnline: 2238 Developers Video #1

    And what about stealing, how it will work? Great vid there lisac2k, looking forward to FOnline :)
  18. Violator

    How to make a good hamburger?

    Whatever makes you sleep better. It's your loss that you don't know what is good cuisine fren'. All fast food restaurants a la Mc sux. Burger King, KFC, you name it. Because they all sell basically the same junk food shit, only with different commercials and the fact that they pack their...
  19. Violator

    How to make a good hamburger?

    Hey man it's not my problem that your diet was made up of fried cocks for so long that now you can barely make difference between penis and sausage. I'm not even going to wonder what else you have on your daily menu when you can't tell the difference between these two :P So it's no wonder you...